Intro to how I'm really normal, 'cuse I am

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Kids made fun of me for being a giantess. All around me everyone wanted to be special. I just wanted to be normal. Is that so much to ask.

I am a normal girl. Kinda pretty I guess. Smart enough, but not like Mensa level. Do you want to know how normal I am? I mostly blame my mom on putting me in the weird category. Nature and nurture that woman gave me no chance. As a young girl when my mom chose what I got to wear, she wouldn't do like other parents and get me 'made in China' box store clothing in bright colors. Nope she had to hand make my clothes in gender neutral colors and styles out of cruelty free, vegan, biodegradable material. I did like the hand knit socks in winter though. She did let me have long hair though she told me it was dangerous. How is long hair dangerous you say? My mom could give you a diatribe lasting in the least 30 minutes on many reasons from suppression of the female gender, chemicals needed to maintain long locks being toxic, to snags causing bodily harm, to I kid you not choking on one's own hair. Don't get me wrong I lovemy mom. She is the most kind-hearted, patient, loving person on the planet. She's beautiful in a way that she completely oblivious to. Then again she's batty and paranoid. She will walk up to a homeless man, talk for an hour, give him the contents of her purse but she won't tell her current boyfriend her address. In fact there is to be no-one and I mean no one at our house. I'm surprised the landlord knows. If, lord forbid, I needed a ride I was to have them drop me off at the bus stop down the street and around the corner. She'd forget the boring stuff like filling the gas tank, paying bills, appointment times, how old I was, wearing weather appropriate clothing so on and so forth.

So about me. I'm almost 17. My hair is long and light brown. My eyes are blue though I wish they were more so. I could lose some weight. Worst part I'm 5'11" barefoot. Mom says I won't stop growing until I'm 25. The way my life is I'll end up being the world's first 8 foot woman. Which wouldn't be so bad but there's this guy.

I've had a crush on Aiden since ninth grade. Mind you when I started my crush we were the same height. I thought it was great that he was one of the rare guys I didn't tower over. I think he felt it too because he started saying hi and bumping into me in the hall then one day he invited me to eat with his group at lunch. I was trying to join in the conversation to show how fun and cool I am, when they started asking what classes I had. Apparently he thought since I was tall I was in the 11th grade same as him. When it came out I was in ninth grade they started to tease him. Then came the jokes about my height. He stopped saying hi and began totally ignoring me. When no one was around he would pay attention to me. Sometimes even when people were around he would make eye contact with me. When I turned 16 it was a no-brainer to get a job same place as him. I know I'm a stalker. He's just so, well, funny, sweet, his eyes are gorgeous, he doesn't have a douche haircut, and boy was fine. He looked like he had some nice muscles and the way he wore his jeans OMG HAWT! Mom was mad about me working at a chain store, something about degradation of the human spirit and unfair labor laws. I did enjoy having money. Especially when mom forgot to get groceries and it was either make a meal out of flour and sauerkraut or going to the gas station for something real. I think Aiden helped me get that job, I'm the youngest person there. He buys me an energy drink every once and awhile. He's so dreamy!

My BFF and I share our deep and undying crush of Aiden. Addison is everything I wish I was. She's short, curvy, and flirty. She says she wishes she was like me, tall like a supermodel. Big improvement over giraffe or 'How's the weather up there?' Addy is the best. She has a normal family with a mom, a dad, even a bratty older brother. She doesn't seem to mind that I don't have her over much, I have to sneak her in, mom would so kill me. She prefers the food at her place plus she has cable and wifi. Our house not so much. One thing my mom has over them is she genuinely pays attention to me. Addy gets a hello how was your day in passing. My mom, I think we could just sit and talk for hours and we do. Addy also loves my mom. My mom took us out to eat and charmed Addy. After that I've become some sort of human texting machine between them. Both of them can always tell when I say something the other didn't say.

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