The day the earth shattered

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I will remember it was a Tuesday when my entire world changed. I'm sure anybody could tell you where they were when big things happen. When the nuclear bomb hit Hiroshima, JFK got shot, world trade towers collapsed. This caused a new era. An era for the worst. To this day, mind you years have passed since then, as I write this I still feel a lump in my throat. It started out like any other day. Well it started out with a bad hair day. Fortunately it wasn't coupled with a bad skin day.

I had saved up enough to get a knock-off Vespa and it was ugly enough no one would steal it. It ran like a dream because our neighbor down stairs helped me fix it up. He has a garage at the end of our block. That made it sound like our block is huge it's not. Our block is composed of David's garage, a parking lot, our apartment building, a dog groomer, fenced in lot (for the dogs), and a big falling down house owned by this old grumpy lady.

Any who, I was driving my super cool (but only to me) Vespa to work and I noticed Aiden wasn't at work yet. Which was weird because his class room is closest to the parking lot last block, whereas I had to walk across the entire school just to get there. So I went ahead and clocked in started my shift when two people stumbled in through the automatic doors. The sun behind them made it hard to see who they were at first. I went back to what I usually do when it's slow and I'm stuck at the registers, I daydreamed about Aiden finally confessing his undying love for me. This time in my daydream he catches me before I reach my Vespa at school. In front of everyone he grabs my hand. "I can take it no longer," he states emphatically, "I love you, you gorgeous woman!" He then pulls me in for a long romantic kiss with tongue and everything. I imagine he tastes like that gum he chews a lot. "Aiden!" I hear one of the managers say. For some reason I want to blush thinking that he knew what I was thinking. Then I realize Aiden was one of the people that stumbled in. I look up trying to see him. There he is. Hanging on his arm is Trish that stupid pep squad girl that wears too much make-up. Then super clear and somehow in slow motion Aiden says "I wanted to show my girlfriend where I work." Bam! That sentence reverberates through my soul. Aiden has a girlfriend and it's not me. Trish is even in the same grade as me. Though she is two years older because she was held back one year and I skipped ahead. The bleached blond WHORE! That's my man! OMG! He's heading this way. Okay I have to act cool. He didn't just break my heart in a million pieces for this slutty STD filled stupid head. Ugh, her lipstick is smeared on his face. "This is ..." He says as he gestures toward me. I interrupted him. "I know Trish. We have US history together." It's my only non AP class. "Oh, do we really?" she says as if she doesn't see the nearly six-foot girl that sits three rows diagonal in front of her. She's one of the ones that mock my size and here she is with Aiden who, oh man he's shorter than me now. Not by much but still. Crap how much worse is this day going to get. An awkward silence follows. Her obvious trying to make me look unimportant stunt making me not want to carry the conversation. I could list all the boys she's dated this year alone. That would make it seem like I keep up with her life, when I don't she just talks loudly about her personal stuff. I just roll my eyes, so does she. He can't take a hint but fortunately (not fortunately) he sees someone else to show his 'girlfriend' off too. Thankfully we get slammed after that and I lose myself to work. When I get home I'm thankful my mom's not home. I give into all the downpour of tears I've just barely held back. When I could talk I called Addy and we cried together. The injustice of megaslut getting our man.

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