He followed me home can I keep him

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Nearly a year had passed since the infected thing had all started. A routine formed; I would get up early spend time on the garden and food preservation with my mom, spend the day making sure the blindly in love(the Ayyy Team) where safe while gathering items and info for our 'colony', Evening meal prep, then socializing the soon-moving-on and the I-think-I'll-stay-a-whiles alike. Seeing Abby happy and (I will admit here only) seeing Aiden work on the garden and fences topless I was content. Sure I felt a sharp pain in my chest whenever I saw the way they looked at each other, but hey somethings are larger than my want or some such deep sentimental bullshit. The Ayyy team and I were out and about one day when about a mile and a half away from home we hear a distressed noise. Do we scout it out first? No we storm right in like white knights. About twenty very agitated infected surrounding a smoking car. It looked like there might be one or more trapped inside the car and there were two men on top of the vehicle swinging wildly at the hostile grasping horde. Abby goes in swinging, Aiden follows with his machete. I take up my arrows going to side to start firing the side opposite Abby and Aiden. I stop when I have a wall behind me less to worry about. We make quick work of those but then a larger group drawn by the noise comes behind the first group. I yell to warn Abby and the rest they turn around. I run to the car and help the two guys get the heavily pregnant woman and a toddler out of the car. Everyone is coughing and the car has started to flame. I take them to the place where we had left our scooters and give them directions to get to my mom giving them our names and my mothers. I looked long enough to see they went the right way. I was thankful none of these infected were white robed. We started to dispatch the infected as quickly as we could but more were coming. I hadn't seen this many in a while. I had mistakenly hoped that we were starting to get the end of the infection. I was running out of arrows and had gotten to the nearest with arrows to gain more ammo while putting up my bow and getting out a military shovel whose edges I've sharpened. I look to where Abby and Aiden have gotten to and we've become separated I feel a shock of panic. I try to focus on getting the next arrow using it to stab through the underside of a zombie's jaw as it tried to bite me. Fuck they're getting to close. I swing my shovel in a wide arc knocking two down and decapitating another. I use the arrow to stab one of the fallen through the eye rotating the point to make sure it stayed down. I then hear a whiz- thump and the second zombie falls from were it was starting to stand. I look in the direction the projectile would have come and there on the top of the brick wall I had been standing against was the most gorgeous male I had ever seen. His hair looked like it was growing out of a buzz cut, kind of a floppy dark brown perfection. He was tall and well-proportioned with long ropey muscles. He leaned down and picked up a rock from a row by his foot and I gasped seeing the muscles flexing a slight sheen of sweat covering his tanned skin shown through his tattered tank top. I swallowed hard and shook my head to clear it as another of the infected dropped near me. I quickly stood up and reached for another of my arrows from the fallen. As I yanked it out I stood looking for Abby. She and Aiden were being driven further away. I could see they were starting to fatigue but it looked like we were starting to get the upper hand. I didn't see more of the infected coming just the twenty or so left. Mr. Sexy as Fuck jumped off the wall to make his way to me. He got close opened his mouth to speak when as I was well 'giving him a visually body sweep to check for injuries' aka undressing him with my eyes, I saw a zombie starting to rise from the pile intent and biting that yummy thigh. "Mine!" I yell as I twist and stab then twist using the arrow I had just picked up. Pulling the arrow from the immobile zombie my arm rubbed his rock hard thigh I gasped lightly and dropped the arrow. "Shit." I reached down and picked up the arrow. I heard a noise behind me. "Oh fuck the car!" I yelled nocking mister yummy down a mere moment before the car exploded. Everything went black.

I came to being cradled to a firm muscled chest and lowered to a soft surface. I blinked my eyes as deft fingers undid the chin strap of my helmet and lifting up the visor letting in the bright sunshine from my bedroom window. "Oh thank god." I hear in a deep rumble and meet Mr. Sexy's super sexy hazel sexy eyes. A croak comes from my mouth as I try to say something. My mind was blanked by his hotness anyway. His hand held the back of my head as he removed my helmet entirely. I hope it was like the movies and when the hat is removed my hair cascaded in a nimbus cloud of lovely face framing perfection but I doubt it. "I'm Jered, thanks for saving my life." I licked my lips and tried to swallow my desert dry mouth. "Alice, my name is Alice. I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck." He chuckled. His hands began to work off my jacket. I leaned up to help him with it. "You took the majority of the blast." "Abby and Aiden!" I gasped trying to sit up. He gently pushed me down. "They are fine and getting your mother." As he leaned over me one hand on each of my shoulders. All I could think of is how much I wanted him to kiss me my eyes drifted to his mouth. Just then my mom crashed through my door looked from Jared to me and said "You're going to start a race of giants." She then checked me for wounds and concussions. Satisfied I wasn't in danger she took away my eye candy to get him fed and settled. I was told not to leave bed until dinner. I will admit I pouted a little but then I really didn't feel like getting up. I had a head ache, hell a full body ache, and my ears were ringing. Mom came back later bringing me water. "Thank you." She looked me over again. She filled me in on how the two men, pregnant lady and kid made it here on mine and Aiden scooters they had told were we were and were to get us. Mom had David and some buddies come to our rescues. David had just gotten to Abby and Aiden when the car blew. Mom could hear it all the way here. David had barely gotten back to his feet when out comes Jared carrying me out of the inferno. She painted it quite romantic made me sad I was unconscious for the whole thing. They all rode back on the back of David's truck Jered holding me the entire time. My Backpack had been left behind because it had been on fire. My weapons too. It was a fine trade as far I was concerned. "Mom, he followed me home can I keep him?" I then gave her puppy eyes. "I already set him up in the storage apartment." It was an apartment next door we kept stuff to be rationed out that we weren't supposed to tell others about since a lot of people were doubling up in the apartments already. I looked at her in shock. "He saved my baby." She said lightly pinching my cheek.

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