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Harry, Lawrence, & Eugene with a very affectionate S/o -~~~~Hope you have a wonderful day as well! ^^~~~

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Harry, Lawrence, & Eugene with a very affectionate S/o -
Hope you have a wonderful day as well! ^^

Harry -
"(Y/n), I'm fine. How many times may I have to remind you?" Glaring up at the silver-haired male, I tightened my grip on his wrist. "You are not fine. It's my job to look out after you too! I don't need a male saving me all the time." Rolling my eyes, I stroked Harry's bloody wrist with a cotton ball, provoking him to hiss in agony. "You're lucky I'm not using rubbing alcohol," I stated, taking out two bandaids before putting the rest away. "I love that you're always looking out for one of us, but I'm afraid you're also going to get hurt." Harry frowns at me, cupping my cheek with his non-hurt hand. Leaning into his touch, I gave him a heartful smile. "I know, and I'm happy you're also looking out for me, but it would haunt me if anything happened to you, and I just stood around instead of helping." Getting back onto my feet, I planted a kiss on his forehead before leaving his classroom.

Lawrence -
Running my fingers through Lawrence's hair, I hummed a small tune. He breathed as his head laid on my chest, listening to the vibrations and my beating heart. "I don't know what I would do without you." He beams up at me, causing me to boop his cute button nose. "You would have figured something out," I smirked, giving Lawrence a reason to glare at me. "You know what I mean! You're always here to calm me down when my brain is flooding with different ideas of how to get out of this horrifying apocalypse." Shutting my eyes, I leaned my head back on a desk leg, holding Lawrence closer to me. "Don't worry, it will be over before we know it, let's just focus on today," Sensing the male nod his head, his arms tightened around me, before falling asleep in my arms.

Eugene -
Wiping away the tears that rolled down Eugene's cheeks, I pulled him into a reassuring hug. "Shh... it's okay. We're going to be okay." Holding his head while my other hand was stroking his hair, I listened as he sniffed into the crook of my neck. He was having a breakdown, scared out of his mind. This is the worse his breakdowns have ever been. Gently sliding down to the ground, I proceeded to hold Eugene, rocking him back and forth. The others left us alone once they realized what's going on. Humming his favorite tune, I gazed outside at the window in front of me. The sun was setting, letting me know it was close to bedtime. Noticing Eugene's whimpers growing softer, I carefully pulled him away from me, seeing that his eyes were slowly shutting. "Poor boy." I frowned, sweeping his hair out of his eyes before laying him on my chest so he could sleep.

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