The two of our broken hearts

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We are looking for a partner who understands and accepts us as we are. It is easy to love someone who feels the same pain as you do, who is just as broken. But is this really good or can there be devastating consequences?

What if your partner finds out of the crisis and sees the world in all its glory again? Wouldn't it rather burden him/her that you cannot see the colors? The world in which you were imprisoned is for one of you no longer his/her own and so two worlds are connected by a thread that is taut to tear.

While the colorful side tries to bring the thread toits side, the dreary side wants to bring the thread back to its side. Thereby this side does not even have evil intentions, it simply cannot step into the light. So the best solution is to cut the thread... at least it doesn't hurt as much as if it would tear, because then you fall and who knows if you still have the strength to get up.

So should two broken hearts come together to form a whole, or is it better if two hearts can find their way to each other and thus give more to the other?

P.O.E.T.R.Y. (and  aphorisms)Where stories live. Discover now