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"YES! ILL MARRY YOU!" I jump into his arms as he spins me around. He stops spinning putting me back down placing the ring on my finger. I'm so excited I pull him up kissing him right on the lips. We kiss for what feels like forever until we get interrupted by cheering.
Namjoon: I can't believe it my little sis is getting married. I'm so happy for you.
He pulls me into a hug.
Y/n: thank you joonie
I let go of the hug going to the others to hug them too.
Namjoon: yoongi you better not hurt my sister.
Yoongi: I won't Namjoon, how long have we dated and we are still together.
Namjoon: I trust you
He gives him a hug patting his back.
Lexi: y/n! I'm so happy for you!!
She hugs me taking my hand in hers looking at the ring.
Braiden: it's so pretty. He picked a good ring.
Y/n: thank you guys, it means a lot.
I hug the rest of them members before finally going back over to my fiancé. Wow feels Weird to say. Yoongi is holding Royal in his arms rocking her back and forth. Quickly I take out my phone taking a picture of them together before I sit down next to them.
Y/n: your such a good dad
I said laying my head on his shoulder.
Yoongi: your such a good mom
He kissed my head laying his head on top of mine.
Y/n: she's such a daddy's girl
Yoongi: That's because I'm great and she knows it.
I shook my head laughing at him
Y/n: it's because she has you wrapped around her finger.
Yoongi: well so do you. Mother like daughter.
We laughed together watching Royal sleep in his arms.
Hoseok: GUYS!!! COME QUICK!!
Me and yoongi look at each other then get up running into the kitchen where Lexi and Hoseok are.
Namjoon: what happened?
Hoseok: Lexi's water broke!
Braiden: what omg!
She goes over to Lexi holding her hand as she holds her stomach. I walk over to her rubbing her back.
Sierra: how are you feeling?
Lexi: it hurts a lot
Jin: come one we need to get her to the hospital
Hoseok: what are we gonna do? What if it comes right now? Or in the car? What if-
He quickly shuts up looking pale.
Lexi: Namjoon can you get my hospital bag out of the bedroom please?
Namjoon: yes
Yoongi: I'll get Royals bag and car seat.
I nod as he walks up the stairs.
Y/n: Hobi take Lexi out to the car. Jin is out there waiting.
He nods taking Lexi in his arms guiding her to the car with the help of Braiden.
Jimin: I'll get the the babies car seat
He goes to grab that while the rest of us get into the car. Yoongi comes back putting Royal into her seat before climbing in next to me.
Jin: do we have everything?
Jungkook: yep
Jin nods driving the car as fast as possible to the hospital. Once we get there Hoseok runs into the hospital getting a wheel chair. We help Lexi her out of the car and into the chair without hurting her.
Y/n: you'll be ok I promise
I can see the fear on her face. Hoseok rolls her into the hospital to see a nurse waiting for them to come in. She takes them to a room to get her checked out. After the nurse puts the IV in her and check her dilation she leaves.
Lexi: I'm 6 cm dilated already. This baby is gonna come quick.
Hoseok: I'm gonna be a dad soon I can't believe it. I don't know if I'm ready
Yoongi: you'll do fine just don't pass out
I laugh at the comment because more than likely he will pass out. He's not one for these types of things.
Y/n: remember don't annoy her either. It's painful to have to push out one baby and be taking care of a grown one.
I looked over at yoongi.
Yoongi: I wasn't annoying don't look at me like that.
Y/n: sure you weren't
A little bit later Lexi fell asleep so we decided to head home.
Namjoon: when she has the baby call us we'll come over as soon as we can.
Hoseok: I will
We give Hobi and Lexi a hug before leaving the hospital. Walking to the car taehyung couldn't stop talking about how excited he is for another baby in the house.
Taehyung: I can't wait for the baby too come!! We're gonna have another little baby around!!
Jungkook: hyung you really love kids don't you
Taehyung: yes I love them so much!
Jimin: I can't wait either Royal is such a cutie pie, I'm sure whatever they have will be the same.
Namjoon: lets just get home and wait for them to call when the babies born.
We pile into the car putting Royal back into her seat driving back home. When we get home we got some food to eat and watch some t.v. I held Royal in my arms leaning back against yoongi with his arms around my waist and head laying on my shoulder. The boys all started to drift off to sleep slowly. Royal fell asleep so I took her up to her room laying her in bed giving her a kiss on the head walking back into the living room seeing all the boys past out all over the place. Should I leave them or wake them up? I decide to let them be and just wake up yoongi to come to bed with me.
Y/n: wake up
He moves a little bit but doesn't wake up. I lean down kissing his lips, he responds immediately.
Y/n: so you are awake
Yoongi: I just wanted you to kiss me
Y/n: you could have just asked
Yoongi: can I have a kiss?
Y/n: you just got one
I walk towards the stairs to go to the bedroom. Yoongi stoped me spinning me around to look at him.
Yoongi: but I want another one
He pouts giving me his baby face.
Y/n: fine
I give him another kiss. We kiss for a minute until I finally pull away for air.
Y/n: lets go to bed
Yoongi: lets go
He pulls me up the stairs a with a smirk on his face. He's a little more excited than normal to go to sleep. As he drags me to the room I thought about it then it hit me. He wants to have "fun." When we get into the room he pulls me close to him kissing me while pushing me against the door.
Yoongi: gotta be quiet baby. Don't want to wake up Royal or the boys now do we.
I shake my head kissing him again. I'm sure you can guess how the rest of the night went.

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