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I groaned rolling onto my other side as yoongi kept kissing my face everywhere.
Yoongi: baby wake up! We need to get our stuff downstairs and get Royal and her stuff ready.
Groaning again I looked up at him with my tiered eyes.
Y/n: why are you so happy this morning? Usually your the one who's groaning and not wanting to get up?
Yoongi: we have to leave in an hour. To go to the beach house for our wedding in two day's!
A wide smile came onto my face as I reached up kissing him on the lips pulling him down onto the bed with me.
Yoongi: as much as I love kissing you our daughter needs us and we need to get ready.
He gave me one last kiss then got out of bed and got dressed. With a smile on my face I got up putting some clothes on.
Y/n: yoongi can you get Royal please? I'll take the suitcases down and get her food.
Yoongi: sure baby
He kissed my temple before leaving to get Royal ready. I grabbed both of our suitcases and brought them downstairs with me sitting them down next to the other members.
Namjoon: good morning little sis.
I smiled up at him hugging his side
Y/n: morning oppa
Namjoon: where's yoongi and Royal?
He asked as I grabbed Royals food and sippy cup.
Y/n: he's getting her ready to go.
Like on cue yoongi came downstairs with Royal in his right arm and her suitcases in his left. He put hers with the others before walking into the kitchen.
Royal: mommy!
She yelled pulling away from yoongi. He put her down and she ran into my leg hugging it.
Y/n: are you hungry baby?
I reached down to pick her up holding her in my right arm.
Yoongi&Royal: yesss!
Everyone looked over at yoongi in confusion.
Y/n: I was talking to Royal, yoongi.
Yoongi: oh..hehe...I knew that.
He rubbed the back of his neck laughing nervously. I smiled at his cuteness
Y/n: grab your food babe, we need to hurry.
I took Royal over to her seat feeding her some bananas and strawberries with her banana milk. Yes she likes banana milk, we can all thank jungkook for that. He was drinking it one day while playing with her and she wanted some, so he let her try it and ever since that's all she wants to drink in the morning.
Jungkook: jimin and I are going to take the suitcases to the van!
He yelled from the living room before hearing the front door open.
Yoongi: baby did you eat anything yet?
I looked over at him shaking my head.
Y/n: I wanted to make sure she ate something first.
Yoongi: here eat this
He gave me a piece of waffle from his fork. I swallowed it and thanked him. After we all finished eating we cleaned everything up and got ready to leave.
Jin: Do we have everyone?
He asked from the front seat of the van.
Namjoon: we're good hyung, let's go.
Jin started up the car and drove off to the beach house. The whole car ride Royal talked our ears off while Jae babbled along with her like they are having a conversation. I mean I understand why Jae likes to babble because he's Hobi's son and he loves to talk. Royal on the other hand, I'm not to sure. Yoongi is very quiet and I'm not the most talkative person either, so where she got this talking thing from I have no idea. Everyone just laughed and talked along with them so they don't fell like they are being ignored. After a few hours we finally arrived at the beach house and wow! It's very nice.
Braiden: this place is beautiful, and the view of the ocean is great.
She said as we walked into the house looking around.
Namjoon: everyone has their own rooms so we don't need to double up. Except for y/n and yoongi, of course they'll be together.
Yoongi: what about Royal?
He asked bouncing a sleepy baby in his arms.
Namjoon: she has a room that she will share with Jae. And all the rooms have baby monitors so we can hear if they cry.
Lexi: smart idea!
I nodded in agreement grabbed yoongi's hand.
Y/n: let's go to our room baby! I want to see it!
He gave me his gummy smile
Yoongi: we need to take Royal to her room first.
Hobi: I'll take her. Lexi and I are going up there to put Jae to sleep, so I can put her to sleep too.
Yoongi hands her over to Hobi thanking him.
Y/n: let's gooo
I pulled his arm running up the stairs to our room. The room is a big master bedroom with a king size bed and a huge bathroom attached to it.
Yoongi: this is nice
He plopped down on the bed watching me look at the room in awe.
Yoongi: baby close your mouth, bugs will get in
I turned to him with a smile walking up to the bed.
Y/n: are you tired already?
He smiled reaching out for me and pulled me on top of him.
Yoongi: no I'm not. I just want to look at my beautiful soon- to-be-wife.
I looked down blushing as I bury my face in his chest.
Yoongi: let's sleep baby, Royal is asleep and we can unpack tomorrow.
I nod digging my head deeper into his chest getting comfortable.
Y/n: good night my yoongi bear.
Yoongi: you don't want to change first?
Y/n: no I'm comfortable.
He laughed kissing my head, holding me closer to him.
Yoongi: good night my baby.

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