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         A/N: Hey Guys! Before I start.

                I just wanna say sorry cuz my other stories sucks.

          haha aight. Leggo!

Crap..” I mumbled. I never sang outloud in public.. It was all thanks to my best friend, Talia. I disliked this girl sometimes.. And I can’t believe I started to sing now.

“Hey, excuse me miss?” A guys voice trailed behind me.

“Um, yeah?” I said shakily, not wanting to turn around and see who it was.

The guy was middle aged.. Looked over worked, and he looked oddly familiar, "Was that you who was justin singing?"

I looked around. There was nobody else here, who else could it have been? "Um.. yeah....." Here we go, here's where he tells me to never use my vocal cords like that ever again.

"You were really good.. Like, I mean, really good for someone like you, as young as you." He said rumaging through his bag. If he whips out a knife, I'm screaming.

"Um.. Thanks. I normally dont sing in public, or anywhere else.. This is a first." I said looking down at the ground. He finally looked up from his bag

"Oh.. Well.. Here. This is my card, it has all my information on it. I want you to call me, when you get a chance. But if you do decide to, make it a.s.a.p because I have a dead line for these type of things. So take my card home, I'm not giving it to you because I felt like it or for you to throw away, talk to your parents or whoever and call me. I would prefer tonight, but thats just me. Sorry to cut this short but I have to get back to my phone call. But I'm glad you started to sing here and now." He smiled then hurried away, blabbing away on the phone just like he was before I interrupted him.

"OH MY GOD!" Talia shouted in my ear, making me jump. "What?! What?!" I yelled back at her. "Do you even know who that was?!" ... "Uh.. a guy wanting to make money off of a girl that he thinks has a good voice?" I say shrugging my shoulders, walking towards an empty bench. "Ugh, that was Scooter Braun! The manager of the superstar taking over the world at the moment!" Oh here we go.. This is where she goes on and on about Justin Bieber. The legend. The hottie. The popstar that's gonna be ruler of the world someday. Don't get me wrong, I think he is smokin and I like his music. I just wouldn't really consider myself a 'Belieber' but I am NOT a hater. "Oh.. I see. Well I don't think I will be calling him anytime soon.." I said, while starting to crumble the little card, but Talia stopped me. "Soph, don't do something you'll regret. This could take you places that you never even thought you would go. This could make you famous, you have always wanted to be famous.. I mean who doesn't, but you actually have a talent." I had talent. Those were words that I would never get used to..


That scene kept playing in my head.. As I sat on the couch in the lobby I thought I would never be in.. It has been almost a month since that little meeting in the park. The meeting that changed my life.. Well almost. It hasn't really started yet..

"Sophie Beckenhart? Is that you?" the woman behind the desk asked. Well obviously, I'm the only one sitting here. Well me and my mom.

"Uh, yeah that's me." I said shakily, I was incredibly nervous.

"Haha, don't be nervous sweetie. It will all work out in the end. Your here for a reason, not just anybody gets invited here." She said and then her hand motioned the door. Well, here I go.

My mom and I walked into a pretty sweet looking office. Ya know, it had the desk and everything but it was really nice. 

"Please, sit." Scooter said, pointing to the two chairs placed in front of his desk. I sat down, literally about to throw up. I have never been in a managers office before. And never thought I would be. Never say never;) sorry just had to throw that in there.

"Hello, I, uh, I'm Scott Braun, but you can call me Scooter." He said with a slight smile "Hello Scooter, I'm Lucy, Sophie's mom." My mom said with a smile while shaking Scooter's hand.

"Okay so basically..." And my mind wandered off. Literally. I don't even know what type of conversation they had.. They could have called me a bitch and I wouldn't have known. Whatever, I was just trying to soak in everything that has happened in the past month. Meeting someone like Scooter, I mean, he could change my life.

"Sophie? Does that sound okay?" I popped your head up. "Wh-what?" I asked, confused because I wasn't paying attention. "Well me and your mom agreed that to show us you can sing like I heard you, your just gonna record a view songs, cover a view songs. I didn't expect you to come with songs already written haha" Wow.. So just today I will already get to be in a recording studio. This is going so fast. "Um.. Um.. Sure?" I said, looking all around the room just soaking it all in. "Okay well we will head down to the recording studio in like 5 minutes, sing a little, cover some songs and then after that we will see what happens." He said with another smile and stood up, leading us towards the door. 

Me and my mom waiting for him to go in front of us because we had no idea where we were going. We followed him down some hallways, these hallways had records on them, platinum/gold and whatever other kind of record things there are. From so many artists, Kanye West, Ne-Yo, Jay-Z and of course, Justin Bieber. I kind of stared at it for a bit, not really paying attention, when a voice interrupted me, "Maybe that'll be you someday kid." You recognized the voice. It was an older voice, you turned around and there he was. Usher. I never thought in a million years I would get to meet THE Usher. Wow. I didn't even know what to say so I smiled and nodded and ran back over to my mom and Scooter.

"Just stand in that room over there and put the headset on." Scooter ordered. I walked into what I assumed was the ya know, recording studio thing, with the microphone and shizz. I put the headset on and just stood there. Waiting to see what I would be singing because I really had no idea. "Okay, Sophie, your going to sing what you sang in the park. Got it?" Scooter said, pressing that little button so I could hear him. I gave him a thumbs up. I would be singing 'Teenage Dream' By Katy Perry. This should be fun.


End of song.

Scooter looked like he had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 

And here goes my journey to fame.

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