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Since the beginning of school, Anne has been hanging out with Alex. Happily laughing and playing around. While on the other hand Gilbert watching them from a distance, feeling a little jealous.
"Oh cheer up Gilbert, she hasn't seen him in so long. I bet she'll be back o hanging out with you by tomorrow." Diana said rubbing his shoulder.
"Ya I hope so." Said Gilbert sadly.
It was finally lunch and Anne and Alex were still hanging out with each other. Everyone was sitting down in their usual spots, except for Gilbert. Alex was there right next to Anne. The two of them played around grabbing pencils from the backpack and using them as swords. Gilbert across the table watching them, more like glaring at Alex as they played. The two were so lost in their game that they hadn't noticed that everyone sitting at the table  were starring at them. The two went silent. Looking at each other and trying not to laugh.
"Awkward." Cole sang which made Anne and Alex burst into laughter. Then the school bell rang for 5th period and everyone stood up from the table to separate and go their ways.
"Your mighty knight awaits." Alex said bowing towards Anne. Did a small curtsy. Alex turned around and she jumped on his back.
"Now off to math!" Anne pointed the way as if she was on a horse leading her army to a battle.
"Off to math!" Alex yelled and he ran towards the way Anne was pointing. Keeping her on his back the entire time. Gilbert in shock on what had just happened in front of him. Both mad and jealous at Alex. He slowly walked towards his 5th period which was the same as theirs.
Another filler chap. Sorry they are so short. Next chap I promise there will be more drama. I am also going to try to add Marilla into a chapter again. She hasn't been around in a while. Anyways sorry again for the short chapters. Ok see you on the next chap!
-shirbert lover

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