I can't...

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Enzo let me shower to cool off and I got some clothes from my car changing before sitting in the front seat watching as the rain fell down softly. The passenger door opened and closed. "You can't sit here your whole life." I looked down. "I need to go get my things" I whispered. "I'll go with you?" I nodded. We drove to the house and I walked inside Enzo behind me. I walked in seeing no one here. I sat a note on the bedroom door and took it off.

      Stefan has left this place for you so it is yours. I'm in providence with Freya. I'll send Rebekah for my things. Keys are on the bed. Don't look for me. I'm happy without you. Goodbye Adeline Rose.

            ~ Niklaus Mikealson

"Damn it" I shouted hitting the door. "Hey" Enzo said rushing up to me. "Hey hey hey. Breathe. What happened?" I handed him the note walking into the room. I saw the keys on the bed. I rolled my eyes getting out boxes shoving everything of his into them. Enzo came in and sighed. "Are you ok?" I shrugged. "I'm fine. Help me pack his stuff" Enzo sighed but helped me. I sat down and wrote Nik a note. I put it in a small box along with everything he has bought me. I sighed and took my ring off sitting it on top with the note. Enzo taped it off and we took it all downstairs by the door. I went back through the house getting all pictures of us putting them in boxes. "I'm going to see dad. Stay here until she gets the things. I'll be back later." I told Enzo giving him the key before leaving. I drove to Alaric's house and walked in sitting on the couch. He walked in and sat on the couch in front of me. "I heard what happened" he whispered. I nodded. "Do me a favor?" I asked. "Anything" I looked at him.

"Make me forget Niklaus" I whispered.

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a while. I've been sick with the flu and I haven't had enough strength to write anything. Tell me your thoughts. Is the book good so far? I don't know if you like it. Should I end it? Keep going? I need to know

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