Morning After

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Enzo grabbed my hips and kissed me deeply before I pulled back jumping back against a wall. He sat up. "What?" He asked. "I'm sorry" I whispered before going to my room. I locked the door before sitting on the bed. My phone vibrated with a call. I sighed and answered.

"Hullo?" I asked. "Hey baby. When are you getting here? Last night was fun" my heart fell. "Nik?" I asked. "Shit Adeline I'm sorry" I looked down. "No it's fine. The rule was we are broken up. So you can do whatever or whoever you want. Maybe it's time we moved on" I whispered softly. "Maybe your right" he hesitantly said. I hung up and ran my fingers through my hair before opening my door. Enzo was standing there. He smiled when he saw me. "It's okay" he said softly moving a piece of hair from my eyes. I took a deep breathe before kissing him deeply. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered. I nodded and he smirked picking me up not breaking the kiss carrying me to my bed. He tossed me down and kissed down my neck before kissing me again.

A couple hours later

I rolled over and smiled when I saw Enzo. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Hi" he whispered moving my hair from my eyes. "Hi" I said softly. "How are you?" I smiled biting my lip lightly. "We just slept together and your asking how I'm doing?" He laughed lightly. "Yeah I guess I am" I smiled sitting up pulling the blanket up on me. He sat up against the headboard with me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "It's official?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. He called me meaning to call another girl. I said we were broken up on the break and maybe it's time to move on. He apparently already has. And I'm not going to wait forever" I said softly. Enzo nodded kissing my head wrapping his arm around me. "Well I'm sorry. I know how much you loved him" I smiled and moved over on his lap running my fingers through his hair. "It doesn't matter. He's moved on. So have I" I said before kissing him again. "You are going to kill me woman" Enzo said before flipping us over so I was beneath him.


I woke up in bed next to Enzo and ran my fingers through my hair. So Nik really did leave. It wasn't a nightmare. I got up putting on a robe before getting some clothes and taking a nice hot shower. I got out wrapping a towel around me seeing my neck littered with hickeys. I smiled running my fingers over them.

Enzo was different. He was....gentler almost. Like every move he would make would almost break me. He treated me like I was the most fragile thing ever. Nik was like that in the beginning. But he stopped. Almost like he had stopped caring. I shook my head clearing it before changing. (Don't worry. I have a hoodie in the car to cover my stomach. And I'll slip some sweats on over it. This outfit is only one for after class today). I pulled my hair into a bun and covered my neck with makeup before going downstairs making me a smoothie and fruit bowl. Enzo walked down and few minutes later with a smile on his face. "Your in a good mood" I said. He smiled and kissed me. "I have every reason to be" I smiled. "Do you mind dropping me off at the hospital after class?" I asked handing him the smoothie and eating a strawberry. He shook his head. "But we are taking my car. Yours is just a reminder of everything and I'm not taking it" I smiled. "I'm giving it back today. I'll buy my own" I said shrugging. "Good" I smiled. "Your wearing that?" He asked as I jumped off getting my bag. "I got some sweats in your car. I'm gonna put them on over" he nodded. We got to his car and I got my sweats from his trunk slipping the on before climbing in. As he drove I was looking through his backseat trying to find a shirt or hoodie of his. "Enzo. You need to clean your damn car" I said. He laughed. "Calm down. I'll get you one when we get there. I nodded and sat down. "Tonight. Movie night? Dinner and a late movie? They are showing Doctor Sleep." I smiled. "Sounds good. I'll have jo bring me home from the hospital take care of the car and then we can go" he nodded. We got to the school and he gave me a shirt of his which was way to big on me. I smiled taking in his scent.

After class

We got to help the 5-7 age group and it was fun. I really enjoyed it. I handed my student ID and bag to Enzo. He carried them as I slipped his shirt off. We got to his car and I kicked the sweats off. "Strip baby"
He said smirking. I laughed and climbed in smacking his arm. "Shut up" I said laughing. We got to the hospital and I grabbed my bag. He grabbed me hand and smiled. I smiled and kissed him deeply for a second. I pulled away and he pouted. I smiled. "I'll text you when I'm on my way home"
I said before kissing him again and getting out. I walked inside and found Jo.

"So. Last night. Nik called. He meant to call another girl. And he said it was time we moved on. So" I trailed off. She drug me to a different room closing the door. "So??" She asked. I smiled. "So. I slept with Enzo" her eyes got wide. "Wait. I need details. Was it good? Did you enjoy it? Did he? Do you like him? Does he like you?" I laughed. "Okay calm down"
I said smiling. We sat down.

"It was very good. I loved it. He was so gentle. And he cared. After it happened he even asked if I was okay. It was so sweet. I'm hoping he enjoyed it. And yeah. I think I like him. He's different. He's gentle. And he's like me forever. We are going on a date tonight. Dinner and a late movie. A horror movie" she smiled. "Ooh. Addie. I'm so happy for you"
I smiled. "Can you give me a ride home?" She nodded. We got back and I hugged her before she left. I drove the car to Kols place and left it unlocked with the keys and a note on the inside. I sighed walking home with a smile on my face.

Maybe Enzo is the one. Or maybe nik is. I don't know. But for this moment, I'm happy. With Enzo. And Nik has to. If he's happy I should be. I can't wait forever.

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