haunted dorm

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                           When I reached their dorm, the rest also started staring at me but did not laugh or mock me, I was reliefed. One by one showed me to everything. And which places are good to shop or eat! Sungmin gave me alot of money but I could not except it cause it is 70% of his allowance which I feel uncomfortable talking all but I just took 20% of it.."Okie it is your choice" He shrugged..I got used to the place within two weeks. I helped them to go shopping to buy food,cooked for them,cleaned their dorm but they dont take me as their maid which I was glad. I met Yesung and Donghae and got to know them well, they are easy to get along. Yesung and Donghae are brothers. Yesung is younger than Donhae by two months. They get along really well, helping each other with their dance steps if they get it wrong, Yesung was really unique. He has a unique smile and he does almost everything diffrently than the others. Leetuk, their leader welcomed me, he has a nice smile, I can say. He ans Sungmin are roommates and he is as neat as Sungmin when it comes to clothes. They both have really good fashion sense. Nice..then I happened to past by two 'fat' members..wow their room is really..umm..messy? They are so rare..haha..

                       Sungmin was sitting down watching tv and I asked him why he isn't singing, I love his voice and girls ccream when he does eagyo.." we are not here to do any singing, we are solving a mystery behind the history of this dorm, it is said that it is haunted and that is why I asked you to come so that I wont feel scared.." well thats unusual, he is one year older than me and he is scared..somethings not right. "There is a cursed diary in Yesung's and Donhae's room and there are english words written in red and you know u are stronger in english then us right? yah so please help us to read what was written in the diary?" "Oh okay then" I said..this is getting creepier..

                      I ran through the dairy and said.."This diary was written by a girl whose parents think she is paranoid as she always says she can see ghosts..on the last page, someone was trying to kill her, she locked the door and sat at the corner of her room. ten minutes later someone was trying to break down the door. It was her mum! she was holding a golf stick and..that is all..I think her mother murdered her." Everyone was scared except me..it was just a diary right? you can just dispose it and the end right? What is wrong with them?

                    "I think I know why you are not afraid Gi, did Sungmin tell you?" said Yesung.."no..tell me what?" I was really confused and I had a slight headache..it was kinda getting worst..my face was all pale..it was all blurry..I was about to faint..Sungmin ran over and caught me in time..he knew it was the ghost who did that to me so he made me lie on the sofa where everyone was so the ghost ont get near me.  Yesung and Donghae whispered something in my ear but I could not hear. I was burning with fever, Sungmin,Yesung and Donghae decided to bring me to the nearest hospital and took care of me there until I woke up.

                At first I could not see anything, then it was all blurry then I saw Sungmin,Yesung and Donghae staring at me wondering why I was looking at them that way..I felt a bit giddy but I was alright later. Sungmin was reliefed and hugged me when I woke up. I hugged him back as a friend. Yesung and Donhae hugged my too. This was probably my first hug I ever had in my whole life. my parents died when I was born. My mum died of childbirth and my dad met in an accident so Sungmin's parents took care of me until they died so Sungmin and I were orphans but we were good friends though. I went home feeling uneasy..three of them took turns to take care of me including Leetuk..cause the ghosts haunts girls not boys and they are scared of boys so whoever taked care of me is my 'shield' I am so fortunate to have met them.

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