confessing..da da daaa

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                 Well I had a great day at Singapore. Meeting new people, learning their culture, EVERYTHING!! Next we are taking a coach to Malaysia..well it took a long time. Shindong slept like a pig. Yesung and I teased him by taking a pic of him drooling while sleeping and we sprayed really cold water at his face! I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING AT HIS EXPRESSION!! I had no idea why Yesung and Donghae keep on staring and smirking at me when I laugh.." Is my laugh wierd? I think I should not have laughed..*pouting*" "I like the way you smile.." said Yesung "I like the way you laugh.." said Donghae "your perfect" whispered Sungmin.."What did you say?" he said it so soft that I had not effin idea what he just said

-Sungmin's P.O.V-

         'PHEW! Good thing she did not hear me or it will be such an embarassment..' "Nothing..I..I.. did not saying anything..just mumbling to myself..that's all.."

I could tell he was lying..he is really bad at lying but I just took his words to heart.."Oh well..I need to sleep..GOODNIGHTIE!!" I had the same dream again..this time it is not her getting murdered..she followed us everywhere just to make sure..

-Me P.O.V-

       I alighted the coach to get lunch for everyone..I felt some presence of cold wind..but it was so hot when I stepped into the shop..something's fishy..oh talking about fish..I got myself more fish than the others..DON'T TELL!! SSHHHHH!!

-Yesung's P.O.V-

      I dunno why I feel so happy whenever I am with Gi, I feel like protecting her all her life, she is a really nice girl..she just looks so innocent but when I first saw her, she was full of bruises..WHY WOULD SOMEONE HURT AN INNOCENT GIRL!? I feel so sorry for her..

-Donghae's P.O.V-

   Gi..oh how I wish I could confess my feelings for you but..Yesung likes U more than me..I kinda have a girlfriend already..justfollow your heart harm will fall on are brighter than a gem..that is my nickname for you<3

-Me P.O.V-

  I just found out that they all have really wierd nicknames..donghae gave me a nickname which everyone agrees to..I feel wierd..*shrug*

-Sungmin's P.O.V-

  Should I confess my feelings for her? Yesung is about to but..I KNEW GI SINCE I WAS BORN!! Oh you are always brighter than a gem..

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