Chapter 14. Friends again?

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Hey everyone im writing in Peetas point of view now too. Make sure to check whos POV its in before reading.  Hope yous like. Read! Comment! And Vote!

'Its ok, Katniss, he won't come back. Its ok.' I feel so sorry for her. She felt so guilty knowing that she killed her best friend, and now he is alive, and she has to live with the fact that she attempted to murder him. 'What did he say Katniss?'

'He said... he was sorry, he said that i was so nervous that i shot him in the arm, cause my hands were shaking so much. I couldn't even look at him while i shot it, so I didn't know it missed.' Katniss starts crying again, and runs into the bathroom, throwing up. Shes about 5 months pregnant. Its late evening now, I better start cooking. 'What do you want for dinner Katniss?' 'I.. dont really feel like eating, Peeta thanks anyway.' I give her a really big hug. 'Go lie down Katniss, Ill wake you up if anything happens.' 'Ok, Peeta.' I go to walk out of the room, when Katniss asks, 'Peeta, stay with me?' I smile as I get into bed with her. Ill stay till she falls asleep. 'Always.'


The phone rings. Who would that be? 'Hello?'

'Hey, Peeta its Gale. Please just listen to me for one second. You owe me.'

'I don't owe you anything Gale you broke Katniss. And you hurt me too.'

'Please Peeta.'

'Fine go ahead.'

'Ok, well I miss Katniss. I should never have done any of that stuff. I deserve to be dead..... please put Katniss on the phone.. and Im sorry for hurting you too.'

'Ok, Ill put Katniss on the phone... but if you cause her anymore pain... I swear ill be the one to kill you..' I warn.

'Katniss, come down here! Someone wants to talk to you!' Katniss walked down the stairs. 'Hello?' She says. 'Hey, Catnip. Im sorry for everything. Please hear me out.'

'Gale. I can't forgive you. I never want to hear, or see you again.'

'Ok, Katniss, Ill leave you alone but remember I love--' She hangs up.

She starts to cry. 'Its ok Katniss. Its ok. You love me. Real or not Real?'

She doesn't hesitate to say, 'Real.'


I wake to the sound of Katniss screaming. 'KATNISS! are you okay.' 'Yeah.' She says in between sobs. 'Do you want to talk about it?' 'No. Lets talk about something else.'

'Ok, Katniss. Um..... when did you figure out you loved me?' I hoped that this was a question that would not cause any more crying.

'Well... when your heart stopped in the first arena... i realised how broken I would be if you were dead. But that kiss on the beach. It was the first one that made me want more. At the end of the quarter quell I thought it was possible I was in love with you. But it didn't become certain till you came back... and you had been hijacked into thinking I was a mutt created by the capitol. I thought i loved Gale too, but he had to much fire, like me. And he killed my sister..' She choked up at that one. 'After Finnick revived me, I thought it was possible you loved me. But when you kissed me and confessed you needed me, I knew you loved me. But you hadn't worked it out yet. The kiss felt different for me too. I felt as if.... we were having a moment. It felt almost like our first meaniful kiss, that was genuine for both of us. But after being held hostage in the capitol, I couldn't remember what was real and what wasn't. And im sorry for all of it.' A tear runs down my tear. 'Oh Peeta, I know you feel its your fault, but it really wasn't.I agree with the kiss though.'

'Your going to make a great mother you know.' She smiled. This is what I said to her is the quell. The good and bad memories.....

She lied down on the bed and said, 'your going to make a great father too. 3 1/2 months to go.'I smile. 'I can't wait.' And with that I kiss her, and it feels exactly like the one in the quell, maybe lasting a little longer though.

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