Chapter 3

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Yue was sitting on one of the benches as she watches Didi and his teammates do their warm-ups

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Yue was sitting on one of the benches as she watches Didi and his teammates do their warm-ups. She saw Didi looking at her, raised his eyebrows, did a thumbs-up sign as if asking if she is okay. She smiled, nodded and did a thumbs-up sign as well. He gave her a wide smile and then went back on doing his stretches.

She laughed when she saw his teammates also gave her a thumbs-up sign, imitating Didi. He saw them and told them to stop playing around. Yue laughed harder when they saw them feign innocence and immediately went back to what they're doing.

Yue somehow felt odd. She should be uncomfortable but she felt relaxed. Earlier, Didi introduced his teammates and his close friends to her. They're rowdy but they all seem nice. Yue's not into football games but she knows them because they're really popular in Mingde.

Didi's friends made her feel so welcome she felt her nervousness about meeting them vanish.

There's Kido Ma who very excitedly introduced himself as soon as he saw her and declared himself and his girlfriend as her 'fans'. Which caught her by surprise because she thought no one in Mingde knows her aside from her friends and classmates.

Li XiZi who sincerely said to her that 'any friend of Didi is my friend too.' That really warmed her heart.

Zhang Yixing who said to her that none of the rumors about him being a playboy is true. Yue can't help but laugh when she heard him say that. Everyone in the university knows that Zhang Yixing is the biggest playboy in town. Yue always has to calm Meiyun down every time they see Yixing with a new girl on his arms. Her best friend has the biggest crush on Zhang Yixing. And she's sure she will totally have a meltdown once she learns that she has met her "prince charming."

Jing Boran who told her that if ever she needs a gege who will protect her especially from Yixing and Didi he's there for her which earned a duet of 'hey' from the two. But that's the end of their protest. All it took was a glare from their Jing Ge and they have both clamped their mouths shut.

And then there's Wu XiZe. Who, unlike the others just stood there and waited for Didi to introduce her. He's cordial but Yue has a feeling that he's really not pleased to meet her.

She made a mental note to ask about him later. Yue knows XiZe is one of Didi's best buddies. She wants to make sure that she will not cause any problems between the two of them.


She was sending a message to her mom to inform her that she's in school and will be home a bit later when someone sat beside her and exclaimed. "You really are here! I thought it was just one of my boyfriend's tactic to make me come here! I am a big fan of yours. I'm Zi Wei. Wang Zi Wei."

Understanding dawned on Yue as she smiled at the beautiful woman who introduced herself as Zi Wei. "Hi. You must be Kido's girlfriend. And I still can't believe that you know me."

Shen Yue in all the years she has been competing has never been interested in publicity or interviews. She would grant taking group photos but she will disappear immediately right after and no one, not even the wrath of her coach can persuade her to do so.

She also kept a very low profile in Mingde. If not for Meiyun and Dudu, she wouldn't even watch Mingde's football or basketball games or any games for that matter. They often chided her that she has no school spirit. They would gang up on her until she says yes.

Dudu always tells her she's boring.

That's why it was a surprise to her to know that she has fans.

"You're joking, right? You're the most awesome figure skater in Mingde! I have been wanting to approach you and ask for an autograph but I am too shy to approach you and I don't want to scare you off. I rushed to get here when Kido said you're watching them practice. Can I have your autograph, please? I can't believe I'm talking to you right now!"

Yue can't help but smile with Zi Wei's enthusiasm. She's basically bouncing in her seat while talking so fast.

"I'm not sure about the autograph. To be honest, you're the first one who asked for it. We can be friends if you like. And instead of autograph how about a picture together? We can add each other on Weibo and WhatsApp too."

Yue doesn't easily make friends. But she liked Zi Wei. She's like her best friend Meiyun. Bubbly and warm. Yue decided it will be good to add new people in her life. People that are in Wang He Di's inner circle, since they will be hanging out a lot from now on.


Didi was surprised when he looked up to check on Yue and saw that Zi Wei was with her. He observed them for a while in case Yue needs him to rescue her. He felt relieved when he saw that the two were taking selfies and then soon Yue was laughing at something Zi Wei said.

"Hey, Kido. Why is Zi Wei here?"

"I messaged her. She's Shen Yue's biggest fan since she watched her first competition two years ago. Since then we have been watching all of Yue's competitions. She's actually very good. Zi Wei had been wanting to approach her but Yue is known to shy away from attention. Honestly, I was surprised that you know her. I didn't even know you're friends."

Didi chose not to comment on what Kido said. Assured that Yue is okay, he shifted his concentration on practice.


Didi was walking out of the locker room in a hurry when he heard Xi Ze calling him. He stopped and waited for him.

"Sorry. I won't be able to join you guys for snacks. I have to bring Yue home."

"Are you sure you're in a hurry because of Yue or you're avoiding me?" Xi Ze asked him bluntly.

"Why should I avoid you?"

"Because you know I won't stop until you tell me why you brought another girl to practice when you and my sister just broke up. A girl I'm sure you don't know even know until a few days ago. And now you've introduced her to the whole team as your friend. What's happening Didi?"

"Nothing is happening. I have met Yue the other day. And we've become fast friends. And I can bring to practice whoever I want to bring. It's not like I am cheating on anyone here. Remember it's your sister who's the cheater, not me." Didi said somehow irritated.

"Hey. I know my sister did you wrong. But there's no need to use that tone on me. May I remind you that I am on your side on this one. I just want to make sure that you know what you're doing. And whatever this is, whatever you're planning on doing, I hope you or Yue won't get hurt."

Didi just shrugged and tapped Xi Ze's back before walking away.

Xi Ze was so tempted to chase after Didi again but chose not to. He has a bad feeling about this. And he's praying and hoping that he's wrong.


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