the pack being ridiculous but they're in high school so it's 538% worse

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i wanted to write about the pack and ended up with a really short story made of mostly just dialogue about lachlan attacking people in a high school cafeteria with jello. one of the best parts of writing this was coming up with different ways to say "badly thrown jello cup"

also i would DIE for my enby vikk headcanon


Not for the first time today I dodged a Jello cup thrown straight at my head.

"Sorry about that Rob!" Lachlan yelled, adjusting his aim so instead of almost hitting my head, it almost hit Vik's.

Vik glared their death glare over at their boyfriend before chucking the said Jello cup back at Lachlan, this time actually hitting him.

Mitch snickered. "Lachlan, stop trying, the coach kicked you off the baseball team for a reason."

"I thought we agreed never to speak of that again!" Lachlan yelled, hurling another container of Jello at Jerome.

"Where are you getting all of this?!" Jerome hollered, dodging more projectile gelatin.

Preston laughed darkly, pulling another entire cardboard container of Jello cups out of his backpack.

"You're gonna get detention," I pointed out, not really caring, ducking out of the way of yet another rogue Jello thing.

"So?" Preston called, tossing another cup at Lachlan, who immediately failed to catch it.

"They're both already notorious," Vik pointed out. "Getting another detention won't help them one way or another."

Lachlan rolled his eyes and attempted (and failed) to throw a new cup at our friend Pete, who was just walking by. "Shut up with your deep British things already."

"Deep Briti- that was the exact opposite of deep!"

"Does it really look like I care?"

"Well, it looks like you're asking for your kneecap privileges to be taken away."

"Oh God, why is it always the short ones that are downright terrifying?" Jerome muttered next to me, ducking to avoid more wayward gelatin. "Vik is, like, two feet tall and the scariest person I've ever met!"

I shrugged, taking on the challenge of peeling a grape and ignoring any off course launched Jello. To my surprise, I actually was beaned in the arm with Jello, but Lachlan proceeded to swear and shout that he was actually aiming for Jerome.

"Imagine having terrible aim," Mitch cracked.

"Can't relate," I replied, continuing my grape peeling and waving at the school admin walking toward us.

Long story short, Lachlan was busted for "violence," codeword for nearly taking our eyes out by aiming for a person sitting five feet away from us. Preston got in trouble for providing Lachlan with ammo. Jerome and Mitch were taken as "witnesses" or whatever, and Vik and I got to stay because we have good grades and are actually relatively sane, probably. We laughed at the four "accomplices," as the admin put it, as they were marched away to the office to get reprimanded.

Gotta love school.

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