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The wind ran its course along the surface of the water, curling around the bridge and spiralling over it to finish where it had started, where the first stone met the water. Holding the wind aloft for half its journey, the water lay calmly as a steady and loyal ground, staring up at the underside of the bridge. Fire roared on both lakeside banks, standing tall and fierce, feet at the water's edge and head just above the bridge. And the earth stood strong, defending the fire, curving protectively over the water, unfazed by the wind.

From the circle made when the bridge looked in the mirror below, came forth magic. Now magic isn't usually visible to the naked eye, but as it entered the world, it found itself conforming to the laws of physics. It took upon itself a form that could float along the air and be carried by the wind. The wisps of power flowed the short distance to the nearest town and sought permanent physical bodies, shaking the earth as they went. But they had to move quickly, before they faded out of existence. Three of them succeeded within months of each other, the last one, however, got caught up in itself, taking another two years to find its place. Being the easiest bodies to enter unnoticed, the four powers slipped through the mouths of four unsuspecting babies, where they took root, and grew.

The elements were born.

Aenoxis and the Bridge Between WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now