Can you turn the light off?

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Written: 29th of January, 2020
Edited: 15/05/2020
Published: 17/05/2020
Warnings: a tad bit of angst
Wordcount: 1637 words
Synopsis: reader wonders why Loki is always gone at night. She goes looking for answers while not being in a good headspace herself, it maybe isn't the best moment when the answers arise.

A/N: thanks for all you guys' feedback, I really do appreciate it. I have a series coming in June and I really need to edit that. I might not post for a week or 2 because all the backed up stories are posted now, I hope you enjoyed them! See ya next time.


Late at night, he's always gone. I used to wonder what he'd do all night long. In the beginning he didn't do this. He'd always be awake and alert whenever I was awake at any point in the night, but at least he was in our bed, holding me. He stretched going to bed later than I did for 30 minutes at first, then an hour and that became two hours. Those 2 hours became four, and eventually he just stopped coming. Sometimes I'd stay awake to see if he ever came back. Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't. But he never went to sleep before I did, for some strange, unknown reason.

Before doubt would eat me alive, I asked Friday to keep an eye on him during the night, and keep track of where he goes and what he does. I might have over stepped a boundary on that one, but the result was so unalarming that maybe I should have been.

He sat nights, weeks on end, reading through the entire night, never turning off the light and closing his eyes. Or for that matter, leave the room to join me in our bedroom.

I assumed he just needed his space, and left him to be. After all, he never seemed tired or exhausted.

Until today, when Loki was obviously exhausted after our 20-hour mission that required our attention every single minute of it.

He went to the medical wing, and then joined me on my request. He held me until I fell asleep. When I awoke, he was gone.

4 am, I see on my bedroom clock. I rub my tired eyes, hoping not to trip on whatever is on the floor on my way to the bathroom.

Light shines through the crack in the door, and is broken by a figure at the bottom of it.

The figure is Loki. I turn on the light, and my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. I'm shocked awake by how exhausted he looks. Then it hits me. He's been covering his appearance for the past few weeks, so I wouldn't notice how tired he actually is.

"Loki?" I ask tiredly, but awake. He's awake immediately. He grabs his blanket together and scrambles to his feet.

"What?" He says, like I didn't just see him sleeping against the doorframe when there's a perfectly fine bed not even 10 steps away from him.

"Why are you not sleeping in our bed? Why are you sitting by the door?"

It looks like he has to think about his answer for a moment, and then answers.

"I heard a noise, and thought I'd be saver to guard the door for a while. I must've fallen asleep." He feigns a laugh.

Something about this situation tells me it's off. He's not reading, he was sleeping by the door with one of our spare blankets, and most of all, we moved to a different floor because he didn't feel safe on the last one. He can't possibly feel unsafe here, it's the most secure floor in the entire building. Except for Tony's then, but he doesn't live here anymore. He moved to the country side with Pepper a relatively long time ago.

"Look at me," I plead softly.

He obeys, and now in this lighting, I can confirm my suspicion.

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