A Hero's Duty

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"Good Morning and welcome to Hero Report. My name is Shinji Okasaki. Later, in the program, we will be chatting to some of U.A.'s top teachers, as many middle school students across the country get ready for U.A.'s crucial entrance exam. But first, we have a live villain attack, coming to you from the capital of Japan. For more details, let's go over to our live correspondent, Asaka Hinako. Hinako?"

The camera that was pointing to a middle aged man with short black hair and a light stubble on his face, wearing dark blue formal wear, with a blue motion background behind him, had now changed to a younger woman with long light brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing black formal wear as a cloud of dust and smoke covered the area behind her, along with a large pile of rubble. The surrounding area also had paramedics at the scene, attending to the public caught in the act.

"Thank you, Okasaki." She began, speaking into the microphone in her hands. "Yes, we are live at Tokyo, Japan where a villain had attacked this building, close to the shopping district." Hinako pointed at the scene behind her as she spoke. "Details are still coming in, but what we know so far was that the villain, calling himself The Destroyer, had been rampaging across the streets before colliding with the building, but that clearly hasn't slowed him down. As you can see, it's hard to make out what is going on at the moment due to the smoke, but pro heroes are dealing with the situation as we speak. There hasn't been any major casualties from the public, as luckily this building has been abandoned for more than 2 years. What we also know is that..."

A loud bang echoed across the area, causing the ground to shake and for Hinako to loss her balance for a bit, along with the cameraman, which caused the footage to become shaky. Once they got their footing, the camera pointed back to the scene, where the cloud was clearing away.

"It seems the dust is clearing up and we can now see the villain from a distance." Hinako commented, catching her breath. The camera zoomed in more, revealing a large humanoid figure, his shirt ripped apart as he threw its fists frantically, clearly angered. Suddenly, he turned around, facing something before letting out a powerful shockwave from his mouth that shattered the ground in front of him, rattling it once more.

"It looks like..." Hinako spoke, catching her breath again from the sudden shock of the roar. "...the villain's quirk involves a sonic roar so loud, that it can cause the ground to break beneath him..." Another shake stopped her talking before she continued. "Clearly, something has riled up this villain to this extreme, but with information still coming in, we can't..." Hinako stopped midsentence as her eyes caught something, causing them to grow in shock and excitement.

"Look, over there!" She exclaimed, pointing up in the air. The camera quickly turned to the left of the attack. From there, the camera caught someone flying through the air, possibly from the attack, but they managed to land on the other side safety, rolling backwards and landing on their feet, skidding across the field before coming to a stop.

The person was a young man in his early 20s, with short green hair. He was in his hero costume, consisting of a dark green jumpsuit, arm-length white gloves with extended knee pads that reached across his legs and iron soles over red shoes. He was also wearing a respirator over his mouth and nose. As he stood there, catching his breath, green streaks of lightning surrounded him, giving off a light green glow.

"It looks like the Pro Hero, Deku, is fighting against The Destroyer!" Hinako exclaimed excitedly.

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Izuku was breathing heavily through his respirator as he just managed to catch himself when The Destroyer tried to throw him of the playing field. Even with this equipment on, he found it hard due to the amount of particle dust he was trying to breathe out. It may also be because he had been fighting this villain for a good 10 minutes or so, although the concept of time was completely removed from him when he started fighting.

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