Ludmila and Olga.

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After I told Ludmi what my idea was, I had to go do something for it. Ludmila would stay and prepare other things for our surprise.

That night... Olga and Ramallo were in the kitchen cooking for the family. When Ludmi walked in, and Olga saw her, she was so happy to see her little girl after so long..

Lu: Olga!

Olga: Ludmila! oh it's so good to see you again. How are you my little girl?

Lu: I'm god Olga. Do you have seen Vilu?

Olga: she said that she had to do something outside.

Lu: ok. Then I'll call her.

Olga: that's fine.

As Ludmi walks out of the kitchen, Angie runs into her.

Lu: Angie!

A: Ludmila!

Lu: are you ok?

A: yes, are you?

Lu: I'm ok.

A: what are you doing here?

Lu: nothing. I was searching for Vilu. But Olga told me that she had to do something out of the door. Do you know where?

A: no...

Lu: ok. I'm gonna call her now then. I have to talk to her.

A: why?

Lu: nothing important.

A: tell me.. what's going on?

Lu: no, I prefer talk with Vilu about this.

A: really?

Lu: yeah, really. it's just something between her and me.

A: ok. Tell her hello for me.

Lu: I'll do. 


I knew what I had to do for dad and Angie. I had to talk to the best friend of Angie, Pablo. And I knew I was at the Studio, so I went to the studio.

When I arrived, everybody was in classes. A group was in the dance room, another was singing Ven Y Canta in the room where we always got a lesson from Angie, and another group was in the room where the stage is. The teachers? No. yeah in the dance room was someone teaching a dance. And it was funny cause it was the cheography of Ven Y Canta. But there weren't any other any teachers or adults. So I guessed that they would be in the office for the teachers. And they were.

Pablo: Hello Violetta, what are you doing here?

V: I was just looking for you.

Gregorio: then I'll leave you alone. Thank you Pablo.

Pablo: no problem, I let you know when.

Gregorio: that's ok.

Pablo: Violetta, what can I do for you?

V: well you know that it's almost the anniversary of the wedding from my dad and Angie, right?

Pablo: is it?

V: yeah, and Ludmila and I wanted to surprise them. But we need your help with it.

Pablo: I'd be honoured. What am I have to do?

V: this is what we had in mind. 

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