Chapter 7

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"C'mon Jackie lets dance," Ponyboy said, grabbing my hand.

"Hey, keep it pg." Darry snapped at him.

"We're 14, Darry," Ponyboy said rolling his eyes.

"Let's go!" he said, and before I could even answer, he dragged me by the hand out to the middle of the lot where there was a huge crowd of dancing people.

We began swaying to the music that was playing- still Jailhouse Rock, and we danced along to the music like no one was watching, and I swear I didn't have a care in the world.

"Thank you for coming out here tonight, I knew you'd have a lot of fun," Ponyboy said loudly over the music.

"Thank you for inviting me, this is my first real party!" I said excitedly, "Well, Greaser party, that is."

"No problem, I knew you'd love it," Pony said smiling.

The song stopped playing, and while someone was changing the record player, all I could hear was the sound of all the people in the crowd talking.

Suddenly someone bumped into me and I felt something spill on me.

"Whoa my bad, sorry 'bout that little lady!" Said some greaser who looked about twenty with a girl around his arm and a beer in his other hand.

"It's alright," I said before I even realized what had been spilled on me.

The guy walked away with the girl, and I looked at Ponyboy, suddenly smelling what had been spilled on me. "That guy just spilled beer on me, didn't he?" I asked looking down at my beer soaked shirt.

"Yeah, c'mon, why don't you come over to my house and get cleaned up?" He asked sweetly. I nodded, and he carefully grabbed my hand and lead me away from the crowded lot to where Darry, Soda, and Two-Bit were talking.

"Hey guys what's up?" Two-Bit asked snaking his arm around me.

"Some guy spilled beer on Jacqueline." Ponyboy said.

"I thought I smelled it," Two-Bit said, looking down at my soaked shirt.

"Well, I was gonna take her to our house so she can get cleaned up if that was alright-" He get cut off by Dally walking in, and immediately saying: "Jacqueline, is that beer?! Do I smell beer on you?!"

"Dallas relax," Soad said, jumping into the conversation, "Some douche spilled beer on her on accident, she was just going home with Pony to get cleaned up."

"Oh, well, I guess that's fine, man, I got worried for a minute, you know I don't want you to end up like me- or worse; Two-Bit, I swear this guy can drink a six pack in a day." Dally joked, Two-Bit shook his head, and laughed, "He's right,"

"Well, we'd better go get you cleaned up." Ponyboy said, I nodded and we said goodbye to the gang, and began walking down the street.

"Wow this brings back memories," I said referring to the day the soc spilled his coke on us.

"Yeah, you're telling me. Gosh I'm sorry Jacqueline, It seems like this always happens when you're around me, like I'm bad luck or somethin'"

"Oh Ponyboy, you're not bad luck, you're good luck," I said grabbing his hand and snuggling closer to him as we walked. "You keep me safe from all of the bad guys, and you give me your jacket when it's cold. You're a real class gentleman if you ask me." I said smiling up at him.

"This is why I love you." He said looking down at me, and he stopped walking to kiss me on the head.

We got to his house, and I walked toward the bathroom, "I think I'm gonna just take a shower, would you mind throwing this shirt in the washer?" I asked.

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