Chapter 2 °Travis°

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To say I was shocked was an understatement.

She actually yelled at me?

Like, I'm not mad! I get it; but I never thought she would actually say she hated me.

And if I'm being honest, it kind of hurt. Well, maybe a little more than kind of.

Just a little bit.


Okay, it hurt a lot! Truth is, I may or may not have a crush on Katie.

The reason I usually prank her is only because of that. Now, you might think that's stupid. I mean, if you like someone, why would you prank them?!

Well, more or less, I do it for attention. If I don't prank her, she won't talk to me at all. That sounds stupid, and it probrably is, because I mean, im  stupid!

Well, my plan didn't work out. Now she hates me; which is the exact opposite of what I wanted.

I groan as I lay on my bed.

"Dude, its not the end of the world." Connor claims, sitting in a chair across from my bed.

"Yes it is." I mumble into my pillow.

"She doesn't hate you, I'm sure of it." He crosses his arms. "She was just mad." He tries to reassure me. It doesnt work.

I sit up and glare at him.

"She yelled at us! Katie is a beautiful, smart, amazing, sw--"

"Okay, okay! enough with the compliments." Connor rolls his eyes.

"Well, anyways, she's a sweet girl! She wouldn't yell at anyone." I tell him

"Your point is?" Connor raises an eyebrow.

"She yelled at us! She wouldn't yell at anyone unless she really hates them!" I claim, frantically waving my arms around.

"Again, she was mad. Calm down!" He stands up. "She'll get over it sooner or later."

"Probrably later.." I mumble, staring at the floor.

"Oh my gods.." He mumbles and sighs. "Would it help if I were to go talk to her?" He asks.

"Really?" I look at him, hope in my eyes.

"Of course!" He grins. "We're brothers! Partners in crime! What'd you expect?" He crosses his arms. He sure does that a lot.

"I guess so. By the way, we have to call off the prank for tomorrow." I order him.

"Can't we just prank some other cabin?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure. Which cabin?" I ask.

"Hmm.." He thinks aloud.


"Aphrodite!" We both shout.

"Yeah! Let's not prank the whole cabin, just Drew." He nods in agreement. Not all of them are bad, like Piper for example.

"We should change up the prank though. I don't think putting bubble all over her stuff will do any good, it'll probrably just wash them." I say. He nods.

"We'll talk about it when I get back." He heads to the door. "I'll be back soon, I'll just have a quick chat with her and ask her to forgive us." I nod, and he leaves.

Not even a minute later, I hear a loud crash and screaming. I run out of the cabin and see a giant hellhound, which just conveniently rammed into the Aphrodite Cabin.

I mean, it's not good, but it was Drew's side of the cabin.

"I-IT- THAT THING- IT SMASHED MY MAKEUPP!!" A crying Drew bursted out of the cabin in tears.

"Really?!" I yell. "That's what you're concerned about?!" I run over to the crowd of people. A large group of people have their weapons out, already ready to strike.

The hellhound isn't phased at all, in fact, its acting as if we are small little lego's that will barely harm it.

Except, lego's do hurt. I learned that the hard way. I remember pranking the Ares Cabin by filling their floor with legos. When they found me, it was not a pretty site.

Anyways, back to the hellhound! As some of the campers were about to strike, Miranda comes running out in tears.

"Someone, help! Katie is hurt!" She screeches, running to any Apollo Cabin member she can find.

"Wait, what?!" I yell, running after her. "Hey, wait up!" I catch up with her.

"What do you want?!" She screeches, still looking around.

"What happened?! Is she okay?!" I ask.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" She snarls, and runs off when she finds a group of Apollo campers. I follow after them. We go inside the cabin and Katie doesn't seem to be too injured.

"It looks like a twisted ankle.." Will says, as everyone helps her up. "We can give her some Ambrosia and it'll be alright." He says, as they slowly start walking toward the infirmary.

By this time, Chiron is outside already, looking worried. Someone is about to strike when he halts them.

"Wait, that won't do anything." He frowns. "This is a different type of Hellhound; one that can't be harmed with weapons." Everyone gasps.

"That exists?" People mutter.

"Yes, it does. The only way to harm this, or at least get it to leave, is loud noise. They have very large ears, which are sensitive to loud noise. If anyone has something loud, bring it up now!" He calls.

After a few seconds, no one seems to have anything. Then I realize I have something!

The hellhound seems to be getting impatient, and sees Will and the others. It quickly blocks their path, blocking them from the infirmary.

"Wait!" I shout, pulling out a bunch of stuff.

"I have firecrackers?" I ask, holding them up.

"Wha?- Actually, I don't wanna know." Chiron shakes his head. "Alright, just throw them in his ears." He orders.

I run up to the front of the crowd, getting farther up close to the Hellhound.

I light them, and quickly throw them up.

Luckily, they land in its ear. They are pretty loud, just from where I'm standing, so I can tell it hurt.

It roars, and quickly rushes off.


Everyone is silent.


Suddenly, a bunch of people start to cheer.


Isn't that only for big things? How is scaring a Hellhound away a big deal?

"Woah, why is everyone cheering?!" I yell.

"Because you saved us!" Connor comes over to me, giving me a high five.

"What? It wasn't that hard, anyone could do it?" I question.

"Yeah, but you did it!" So we're cheering for you!

"I mean- okay..?" I nod questionably.

"We'll c'mon, we need to see if Katie is okay!" I grab his arm and rush to the infirmary.

Travis X Katie Where stories live. Discover now