Chapter 6 °Travis°

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UGHHH!! This is so unfair!

When we got to breakfast, Chiron made an announcement.

He said were playing Capture the Flag after Dinner.

Now, that wouldn't be bad usually. Actually, I was very excited!!






Then he said I can't play.

Like, why?!

I asked and he said,

"You're injury was too recent and too severe!!"

Like I get it, but I don't.

I wanna play so bad!!

Anyways, he said it would be fine, and I could play next time. But when is next time?

Next week?

Next month?!

I sit on my bed, mumbling, while Connor just watches me.

"What're you lookin' at..?!" I huff.

"You." He claims.


"Because you're being weird."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Am not!" He shouts.

"Are too!" I pause. "WAIT--"

"Wow you really fell for that!" He laughs.

"No! You're just, uh, hearing things!" I cross my arms. He just laughs more.

"How come you're the older one, yet you act like you're younger than me?" He asks.

"I am very responsible! I do not act younger than you!" I claim.

"Mhmm.." He rolls his eyes. "C'mon, it's time to go to dinner."

"Ok- wait, have I been sitting here mumbling for 8 hours?!" I shout.

"Yeah, almost." He pulls me up. "Now c'mon."


While eating dinner, I can't help but look at Katie. I just love the way her hair is shining in the sunlight, and how her eyes sparkle-- I MEAN- SHUT UP BRAIN!

"You're staring." Connor nudges me.

"Wh- No!"

"Yes, you were. You really like her, don't you?"

"No!" I say, but my flustered face tells otherwise.

"You sure?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yep! 100 percent sure!" I grin.

"...." He stares at me. "Yeah, that's a lie."

"Hey, what if I played in Capture the Flag anyways?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, I could like, sneak in or something!"

"No! For one, if you get caught, you're in trouble. Two, that's dangerous!"

"Please?! I want- no I need to play!" I whine.

He thinks for a second.

"You do what you want, because I can't control you. But my answer is no."

"Okkk.." I mumble, then continue looking at Katie more.


The plan worked.

I snuck in without Chiron seeing!

So the teams are:

Blue: Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Ares Aphrodite, Hades, Zeus, and Hephaestus

Red: Apollo, Demeter, and some other cabins.

I know we'll win. All of the 7 are on our team. Plus Nico!

Right now, im talking to Annabeth, Percy, Leo and Calypso. Calypso doesn't bhave a cabin, so she just chooses. Obviously she always chooses team Leo is on.

"Alright, I have a plan." Annabeth looks at us.

"So, right now, the Demeter cabin is hiding our flag near water. So while the Poseidon cabin will be guarding that, Percy, you will be fighting.  If they get near,  the Poseidon cabin will get them away using waves. The Hephaestus cabin has several traps up, so hopefully none of you get stuck. Leo, in sure you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve, I know you." She rolls her eyes and he grins.

"Well, duh, of course Annie!"

"Do not call me that ever again. Got it?" She glares, with her piercing gray eyes.

"G-got it!" He squeaks.

"Next! The Hermes cabin can also help with the Hepahestus cabin on traps. And Travis, where is Connor?" She asks.

"Uh.. Well.." I smile nervously. "I'm not actually supposed to be playing.. I snuck into the game."

" WHAT?! DO YOU KNOW HOW D--" Annabeth screeches, and I quickly cover her mouth.

"Shhh!! I need to play! I can't wait for next time!!" I whine.

"On my gods! No!" She grabs my arm and starts pulling me away. I try to resist, but she's pretty strong. Eventually, I pull back enough but I fall over something, most likely a trap. I cry out because I hit my head on the ground.

"Travis!" Annabeth quickly runs over to me. I cried pretty loud, so a bunch of people come over including Percy, Calypso, Leo, Connor, Katie, and-

Uh oh.


I grown in pain laying on my side.

Everyone talking and asking if I'm okay, but Chiron shushes them.

"Travis Stoll!" Chiron glares down. "I told you not to play! Look what happened!"

"Nghh.." I mumble, slowly sitting up holding my pounding head. Chiron sighs.

"C'mon, let's get you to the infirmary." He helps me up and I stumble to the infirmary .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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