Chapter 3 °Katie°

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My ankle hurts like tartarus. Well, in your words, hell.

Its not broken, just twisted, but still. Will gave me some Ambrosia though, so now its starting to become more of a dull throb.

Suddenly, the Stolls come in. Travis looks at me, and runs over.

"Katie-Kat! Are you okay?!" He asks.

"Why would you like to know?" I cross my arms. He thinks for a second, then frowns.

"Oh right.. Connor didn't talk to you yet." He mumbles.

"About what?" I ask.

"Well- I uh- I was kinda hoping that you would.. Forgive me, I guess?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Why should I?" I ask. "All you've done since we got to camp is terrorize me--"

"I know! Look, I'm sorry, okay?!" He bursts.

I stare at him.

"You're sorry?" I whisper.

"Could you speak up?" He asks.

"You're sorry?!" I shout. "Well I'm sorry to yell you, but sorry isn't gonna cut it!" I yell, and get up and leave.

I walk back to my cabin and sit down on my bed.

Really? He's sorry?! One apology isn't gonna make up for all he's done! I think to myself.

But, he did look really sorry. And sad. And frustrated. And cute-- Wait, what am I thinking?! Ugh, shut up, brain!

"Ughhhh!" I groan, pounding my fists on my bed in anger. Miranda comes in and walks over to me.

"Hey Katie. What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know.." I mumble.

"What do you mean, you don't know??" She asks.

"I just- I'm confused!" I sit up, looking her in the face.

"About what?" She asks.

"Travis." I say blankly.

She smirks at me.

"Oh, you're thinking about Travis, huh?" She elbows me in the side playfully.

"No! Well yes-- but no!" I say quickly.

"Okay, what about him?"

"Well, he apologized to me and asked me to forgive him."

"Did you?"

"No!" I screech.

"Woah, calm down!" She orders me. "So, what's confusing?"

"Well, half of my brain was telling me: No! Don't forgive him! He's terrorized you for years! And another half of my brain is saying: Forgive him! He looks really sorry and upset!" I explain.

"Well, Katie-Kat--"

"Do not call me that." I glare.

"You let Travis call you that." She smirks.

"No I dont! Well, I do, but that's because-- because--" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Because?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Because he's Travis!" I try to explain.

"Mhmm. Yeah. Sure." She rolls her eyes. "Anyways, what do you want to do?" She asks.

"I don't know!" I shout. "That's the problem!"

"Hey, here's a thought, have you ever asked him why he pranks you?" She asks.


"Ask!" She stands up, grabbing my hand and lifting me up as well.

"Uh.. I guess so." I mumble, going outside. I make my way to the Hermes cabin. I almost go inside when I hear voices. Travis and Connor. I look through the window to see what they're doing.

"..I don't know what to do, man!" Travis whines.

"I don't know, either." Connor sighs.

"She hates me!" He cries, putting his head in his hands.

I frown. Hate is a strong word.. Do I hate him?

"I'm sure she's still mad." Connor pats his back. "She'll come around."

"My plan completely backfired! I pranked her so much to get her to talk to me more, and now it's the other way around!" He groans, leaning back onto his bed.

I gasp.

Wait, what? The whole point or the pranks was to get my attention?

"It's fine--" Connor starts, but stops when I accidently sneeze.

"Wait, someone is outside the window." He says, and starts to walk over.

Oh, crap!

I quickly run to the back of the cabin and crouch down.

After about a minute, I stand back up.

Okay.. I'll wait a few minutes before going to talk to him.




Alright, let's go!

I go back to the front door and knock. Connor answers.

"Ugh, I don't want any-- Wait, Katie?" He looks at me confused.

"Yes, I'm here." I tell him.

"I can see that.. But why?" He asks.

"I need to talk to Travis." I state.

"Er.. About that.." He smiles nervously.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, he's upset and doesnt want to talk to anyone right now." He says.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.

"You hate him."

"No I don't."

"You don't? Ah, I was starting to think you really did." He mumbles. "Anyways, stay here, let me get him." He shuts the door.

I wait a few seconds, then the door swings open.

"Katie-Kat!?" Travis asks.

"Yeah, yeah. Its me. I need to talk to you." I tell him.

"Okay, where?" He asks.

"Out here is fine." I say and he shuts the door.

"So, uh.." He looks away nervously. CuteWait, no! Shut up!

"Well, I thought about it, and I will forgive you." I cross my arms.

"Wait, really?!" He jumps up and down, grinning.

"Yeah, sure, whatever.." I mumble.

"Yeah!! Thanks Katie-Kat!" He smiles.

"U-uh.. Well I need to ask you a question." I say.


"Why do you love pranking me so much?" I ask.

I already know the answer, but I wanna see what he'll say.

"U-uh.. Well.. You give us the best.. Reaction..?" He lies, smiling nervously.

"Oh. Okay." I nod hesitantly.

Suddenly, the dinner horn rings.

"Welp, let's go!" He grins, grabbing my arm and pulling me to there.

Travis X Katie Where stories live. Discover now