Dean x reader

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Y/n= your name
Y/e/c = your eye color
Y/h/c= your hair color
Y/h/s= your hair style
Y/a= your age

Your p.o.v :

You where in heaven when you heard dean ( your boyfriend) and sam calling you. ( as much as I LOVE Castiel he won't exist in this )
You flew down to earth listening to sam and deans prayers, which after some time led to a old mansion.
The constant prayers started to annoy you so you blocked them and walked into the place they where coming from.

Deans p.o.v :
Me and sam have been trying to track down this supposed 'Cupid ' which I thought was complete crap. Cupid is not real.
I walked into the old mansion with sam and started looking around for any sign of this 'Cupid' when I was hit in the back of the head, and everything went black.
"Dean, Dean!" I heard someone whisper/shout my name. I put my head up feeling immense pain where I was hit. I soon realized I was tied up and attempted to get out. "It's no use dean I already tried " I hear Sam say.
"dammit " I respond.
I close my eyes and start praying in my head for (y/n) to come considering there was no other way out of this one.
We where interrupted when a man walked into the room he had piercing blue eyes and pitch black hair. looking at him he looked like an arrogant man. It didn't help that he was wearing a suit. "you're not girls!" I hear the man say. "No shit sherlock" I sarcastically respond rolling my eyes. "Those stupid good for nothing demons!" he seems to yell at himself.
"Why would it matter if we where girls or not." I hear Sam say. The suspicious man looks at us as though he forgot we where there. "Oh how rude of me, let me introduce myself my name is Cupid you've probably heard of me. You know angel of love" he arrogantly says. "Wait so there really is a Cupid!" I yell. "Ya you're looking at him" he casually responds. "But I thought you would look like some baby with tiny wings in a diaper " I say stifling a laugh.

He looks a bit offended at my words but did I care? Nope. "Well I'll have you know that is a very common stereotype ,but as you can see I look nothing like that" he spits out at me. I get annoyed but don't respond to him. "You never answered sam's question why did you need a girl anyway " I say getting a bit annoyed "well..." He starts "you see I may be an angel that can give love to people,but I need love myself. " how cliche I mentally think rolling my eyes.
"I want someone to love myself" he sadly says. I snort. "Then go find some hooker on the street or something!" I say "Don't you see!" He says "I don't want some-some stupid human girl" he says the word human as though he's talking about trash.
" I want a perfect, beautiful, girl anything a demon, a vampire, werewolf, or personally my favorite angels I mean I am one so don't I deserve one? " He says in a dreamy voice. When Cupid mentioned angels I felt my stomach drop. (Y/n) was all I could think about. Oh no I had prayed to her and she was coming to save sam and I. Cupid would take her after all she was pretty, she was beautiful, and she was an angel. Oh no.
I tried to tell (y/n) not to come anymore, in fear of her being taken away from me, but she had not answered. Oh no I love her to much even though I haven't told her yet! I angrily tell myself. Great job winchester. I can't let Cupid take her away from me. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Cupid talking on the phone with speaker on.
"Hey boss there's a girl here and she radiates power so I'm pretty sure she's not human should we bring her to you." The voice from the other side of the line says. Oh no they where surely talking about (y/n). "Hold on let me see her first " Cupid tells the guy on the other side of the line.
Cupid picks up a remote and turns on the t.v in the corner of the room which must have been connected to cameras, because I saw her I saw my life I saw my pain and joy I saw my (y/n). Cupid zoomed in on her face and stared at her for a couple seconds.
He looked at her in awe, he looked at her in amazement, and what hurt me the most is Cupid looked at her with love. It was probably artificial love unlike the powerful love I felt for (y/n). Cupid slowly picked up the phone without talking his eyes of (y/n).
He heard Cupid telling the guy on the other side of the line. "she's perfect she's wonderful she's gorgeous." He says to the man on the the other line in shock and awe the next words killed me. "bring her in"

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