Lucifer X reader

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Your p.o.v :
you had been hunting with the winchesters for a while considering they where your brothers. There had been signs that a Demons are possessing people we have found sulfur all over town, this one house specifically had been covered in it. "Hey guys did you find anything" You tell your brothers .Castiel hasn't been answering yours or your brothers prayers it was a bit annoying. "No " You hear dean reply "how about you sammy" You say "nothing " You hear him reply Your looking into a small hallway when Your grabbed from behind you can't scream becomes they put there hand around your mouth "don't say anything or I'll cut off your head" he says putting a knife to your throat You see dean and sam only a couple feet away but there backs where towards you "hey (y/n) I think I found something" dean says turning around "(y/n)!!!!!" He says running towards you but the person you assumed to be a man or probably a demon possessing a man pulled you into a secret door his hand still pressed tightly against your mouth there still was a small crack since it wasn't shut completely you could see dean and sam looking around nervously for you. "where did they take her!" Sam yells "I don't know !!"dean says kicking the wall. The man starts pulling you backwards and shoves you onto a chair before You can get up he gets a rope and ties you to the chair and pulls out a knife his eyes flashing black "your a winchester aren't you " he growls "y-a" You say stuttering "good "he says smirking. He leaves you for a hour alone in the dark and comes back He starts walking towards you with a knife You try to get out of the rope but it's no use he's a couple inches away from you and starts bringing the knife towards your arm and was just about to slice your arm when You hear a calm voice "wait" You look to see a dark figure walking towards you he has light brown hair and blue eyes you make eye contact and You feel a connection weird? He then looks at the demon "get away from her!!" He yells at the demon" bu -but sir " he stutters "you told me to get the winchesters and torture them till they give us answers " he says swallowing "noo I said to get the winchester boys she dosen't know about the stuff we need " he angrily says which was a complete lie You knew everything that your brothers did "just go " the man says to the demon and the demon scurries away in fear. You look up to your savior to see he's staring at you, you see... love in his eyes? You didn't even know this guy "I didn't know the winchesters had a sister " "whats your name mines lucifer " he says "now you do and my name is (y/n)" You say "I also didn't know that if they did have a sister that she would be my soulmate" ( yes I also realize I did the soul mate thing a lot but I can't think of anything else at the moment considering I just read a fanfic about it ) "your what?" You say "my soulmate " he says crouching down to you since You where still on the chair still tied up "I thought all humans where just ugly things but look at you " he dreamily says "then what am I then ? " You say "gorgeous" he simply says You start blushing looking down You slowly look up to see him still staring at you and You start blushing again "your adorable when you blush" You hear him say which only makes you blush more You hear him chuckle and he snaps his fingers and the ropes are gone You try to get up but You guess from sitting down so long your legs weren't used to standing so when You stood up you fell but ended up getting caught by lucifer as Your in his arms You feel...tingles ? You look up to his face to see he is looking at your lips and You look at his they look so soft he starts to lean in and You don't stop him he stops half a centimeter away from your lips and pauses You were about to ask why he stopped when he crashes his lips onto yours, your lips melt into each other fitting perfectly. You come to reality and realize dean and sam are probably worried sick for you So you pull away "umm I should head back to my brothers there probably worried sick about me" You awkwardly say he seems sad but nods his head and lets you back on your feet still holding your hand ;You didn't protest ;walking you to the secret door You peek through to see them looking for me they must have been really desperate to find you because they looked in places that You couldn't even fit your about to walk out when lucifer grabs your hand and kisses it "I will visit you again my sweet" he says "please do" You
say walking out the door running to dean and sam and hugging them both from behind. They turn around looking shocked
"(y/n)!!" Dean says picking you up and twirling you around and putting you down only to have sam do the same he puts you down "geez guys am I that weightless" You jokingly say "what happened to you !" dean says "I can't remember " You lie "what!" Dean says madly "i remember being dragged away by the demon and then everything went black" You lie again "okay at least your okay" sam says hugging you again with dean "I don't know what we would do if we lost you (y/n)" sam says pain in his eyes. "Crash and burn" You say laughing. "Let's head back to the motel " sam says putting his arm around you "ya we should" You say walking towards the door

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