Gabriel X reader

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Your p.o.v (age 7) :
You where in a place You didn't know where though it was well...perfect there was a big chocolate fountain and candy a 7 year olds heaven You started eating the candy and treats when You hear "enjoying yourself" You turn around to see a man he's a bit blurry but You can tell he had brown hair and peachy skin. "Ya!" You reply to his question your tiny 7 year old brain not understanding not to talk to strangers "what's your name? " he asks
"(Y/n)" You reply "well my name is- You wake up with a start [(y/a) now] You have that dream so often and yet You can't remember if it was a dream or a flashback or even who this mysterious man was , You probably were just going crazy with all the hunting with dean and sam. You've been friends since You where 9 and now you hunt together they where like brothers to you. "Hey (y/n) are you awake? !" You hear dean yell "ya !" You tell him he walks into the room "someone's been messing with the people pulling pranks , scaring people we have reasons to Believe its something not natural " (see what I did there). "Well let's go investigate then!" You say
we walk into the house that had been most messed with lately we see so many things on the floor and walls we see balloons,confetti,paint, and candy wrappers "well well well who do have here oh look it's the winchester brothers " You turn around to see a gorgeous man have I seen him before? You think "And who is that behind sam " he continues "no one " sam says hiding you behind him "why can't I see him" You whisper to sam "he's dangerous" sam tells you "I don't think she's a no one " the mysterious man says and suddenly disappears You go in front of sam and walk to the spot where the mysterious man was "he just vanished" You say to dean and sam You then feel a tap on your shoulder You turn around to see the mysterious man "(y/n) !!!" From dean was all You heard before you and the mysterious Man disappeared I guess the shock from the force was to much for you because you blacked out You wake up on a round bed made of silk You look down and see Your in heels and a dress You know You didn't change into this. "Had a good sleep" You quickly get up and look at the man " who are you and where are we?" You question "well my names Gabriel but the winchesters know me as the trickster and we are what I like to call my layer" he says You look around and see it kind of looks like a theater and the bed you where on was on the stage " I already know your name though" he says smirking "(y/n)" he says "I've know you since you where little" he says it all becomes clear now "I know you , you where the guy from my dreams!!" He chuckles 'yup" he says "but wait why did you show yourself in my dreams and why did you kidnap me!?" You yell "It's probably hard for you to believe since your human but you see I'm a angel and and all angles have soul mates..." He slowly says "well what does that have to do with me!?!?!" You say getting annoyed he just smirks and snaps his fingers disappearing not again you think You look around to see where he went when You hear him at the end of the stage "well your my soulmate..." You turn around to face him "I'm your soulmate , ya right " You say you expected him to be mad at mad at you for what You said but he just smirked and disappeared again. You then feel arms go around your waist from behind you with there chin on your shoulder it's obviously Gabriel You want to push him away but something stopped you I mean it just felt...right You felt sparks. "You can't deny that we are soul mates (y/n) , I know you feel it just as much as I do" he says "feel what" You lie he turns you around looking into my
(y/e/c) eyes as You look into his golden eyes "this" he says as he crashes his lips onto yours. You wish you could've just shoved him off the stage and kicked him in the balls but it felt like fireworks You slowly melted into the kiss and kissed back. He slowly pulls away both of us out of breath. "Do you believe me now" he says You nod your head looking towards the ground he lifts your chin up (I've done the chin thing in my short stories like 2 or 3 times now and I'll probably do it a lot mainly because i think is cute but ehh) he stares into your eyes love held inside them probably the same for you this time it's you who leans in You connect yours and his lips and they move in rhythm You tangle your hands in his hair and he puts his hands on your waist. You pull away "I think it's time I head back to sam and dean" You say "I understand but be careful with this hunting business and if you ever need me just pray for me" he says and before You can respond he transports you back to sam and dean Your immidiantly attacked by there hugs "(y/n)!!!" "We got so worried!!!" Sam bends down to my level "did he hurt you!?!?" He says looking concerned "no sam he didn't hurt me" You say appreciating there concern for you . "Good because if he had I would have kicked his ass" dean says You just laugh "let's go guys" You say putting your arms around both of them

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