Crowley x reader

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Your p.o.v :
You were completely pissed at Crowley. You had been dating him for a year now but you just recently found out he's been trying to hurt your brothers sam and dean even after he promised you he would stop. You were tempted to break up with him then and there but you just couldn't. You walk into a empty elevator in the building where you needed to interview someone for a hunt. While the elevator was moving up all of a sudden it stopped and the lights flicker and turn off. I don't have time for this you think rolling your eyes. You take out you knife and gun thinking it was a ghost. When the lights turn back on you see a familiar man. "oh it's just you" You bitterly say to Crowley not looking at him. "Look (y/n) I'm sorry but I had no choice" he says. "yes you did and you promised!" You yell. "I know" he sadly says. "please forgive me " he begs. You ignore him. "please" he says. You just ignore him again. "start the elevator" you say with no emotion in your voice. "not until you forgive me" he says. "I guess we will be here all day" You say still not looking at him. You can feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your head. "Do you mind" You say. "Not really" he smugly replies "I like looking at beautiful people." he adds. You can't help but blush, but you don't say anything. "fine play the silent game I'll play to" he angrily says ... After about 5 minutes in the elevator, You start to hiccup. You see from your side vision Crowley trying not to smile. You just cross your arms and pout. You hiccup again your shoulders bouncing up. This time he can't hide his smile. "Your cute when you hiccup" he says scooting closer to you, you just pout. "I though you where going to ignore me" You say. "Weren't you to and yet you just talked to me" Crowley says scooting closer in front of you to the point where he was leaving barely any space between you two. "Fine you win" You say. "I'm sorry for being childish and I forgive you" You say giving up. "I know how you can make it up" he says with a mischievous glint in his eye. "How?" You say smiling "2 things one rule hell with me and two kiss me. "Rule hell with you? Crowley as nice as that sounds you know I have a life here on earth, and for number two ..." You say and Lean in and kiss his cheek. "That's not what I meant" he says frowning. "You should have been more specific." You say smirking. "Okay fine your loss, and if you rule hell with me I'll let you visit earth whenever you want." He says.
You put on a I'm thinking about it face just to scare Crowley even though your answer is clear. "Hmmm...yes Crowley I'll rule hell with you" You say laughing. "but my brothers will be pissed and most likely try to kill you" You say. "I'd like to see them try" he says laughing. "and now for the part of the deal I wasn't satisfied with yet" he says leaning in closing the space between you two, but You decide to have some fun with him just as he's about to kiss your lips You turn your head and let him get a mouthful of hair. He pulls away almost jumping a foot away. "(y/n)" he growls. You just giggle "your going to regret doing that" he says coming towards you. You just stand and scoot back until hou hit the wall of the tiny elevator. You get a bit scared then you remember Crowley would never hurt you. He slowly comes near you in a menacing yet amusing way. He pushes you up against the wall even more than You already were. He was so close to your face you could count the hairs on his head. You can even feel his breath on your face. "Tsk tsk tsk (y/n), you really shouldn't have done that" he says. "you shouldn't tease me like that because who knows what I'll do" he says .
"ya um the thing is...well...hehe...sorry?" You nervously say. "Nope it's to late for sorries now you have to pay" he says smirking, but before you can asks what he meant he crashes his lips onto yours. You stay like that for a while and you feel him lick your bottom lip asking for a entrance but you decide to tease him even more than you have today and you kept your mouth closed. He pushes you against the wall a little harder. You gasp and he took his chance and put his tongue in your mouth passionately  kissing you. You need air so you pull away taking deep breaths. He takes your hand. "Ready to rule hell with me" he says. "Ya" You reply laughing and you disappear.

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