Dean x castiels daughter(you)

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(This ones just a tad bit inappropriate not to badly actually not at all...kinda)

Castiel p.o.v : I had know the winchesters for a while I could trust them I decided to tell them my deepest secret I decided to tell them about my daughter (y/n). "Hey (y/n)!!!" I call out for my daughter to come "ya" I hear her say "I've decided to finally let you meet the winchester brothers" (not Adam sadly he's still in hell, ya I know feels ya I went there). "Really!!! " She says exited "yes but don't make me regret it" I say already starting to regret it. "Let's go" I say taking her hand and both of us flying to earth where the winchesters where. We end up surprising dean and sam almost getting shot by dean "dear god cas you can't just sneak up on us like that!" He says he then proceeds to look at (y/n) his eyes widely open oh heaven no he will not touch my daughter. I know how he is with women sleeping with them and then leaving them. "Whose this " dean says with flirty eyes a smirk forming on his lips. "That's what I wanted to talk to you and sam about" I say "this is
(y/n) daughter..." Both dean and sam look shocked and I had expected them to. "You have a daughter and you didn't tell us!!" Sam says or almost yells "I wanted to wait for a good time to tell you guys but I never got to get around to it!" I say dean just stays there shocked but then gets up and walks to (y/n) and he puts his hand out and shakes (y/n) hand "nice to meet you (y/n) my names dean and that's sam" he says pointing to sam sam just waves.

Deans p.o.v:
this magnificent, gorgeous girl was cas's Daughter?! I mean she didn't look like him to much maybe she got her moms looks? I shake her hand and tell her My name but when I touch her hand I feel tingles. She looks up at me when I shake her hand with her brilliant (y/e/c) eyes. I wink at her . "No" I look up to see Castiel glaring at me "relax cas" I tell him putting my hand on his shoulder. He just glares more. "Anyways" he says "I would like you to take care if her for some time while I'm taking care if some business in heaven" he says "I get to stay with them!" I hear a nice delicate voice say "yes" Castiel says looking regretful of his decisions. "Ya we can take care of her" I say hiding my excitement. "Good I'm trusting you with her " Castiel says and disappears. "So (y/n) we just currently where about to go hunt a vengeful spirit when this surprise came" I says gesturing to her she nods with her big (y/e/c) eyes. Dear god they made her look so innocent it made me just want to take her and- "dean!" Sam says snapping his fingers in front of my face "oh oh sorry umm ya like I was saying we are going on a hunt but you " I say pointing at her "get to stay here so that you don't get hurt" I thought she would argue and she looked like she wanted to but she just pouted this adorable pout and sat down dear god I thought. "Well let's go" I say in a hurry

**** hours later ****
Your P.o.v :
You where just watching [favorite t.v show] when You hear the door open "(y/n)!!!!" (Y/n)!!!" You hear sam yell you run to the front door to see sam holding dean and You see a huge gash on his stomach. You gasp "can you heal him (y/n) " You hear sam say You shake your head on the verge of tears You had only known dean for a little but it felt like forever. "I can't I'm not old enough to get healing powers yet" You say "but I'm good with stitches lay him down on the table" You say getting your first aid kit and getting out the needle and thread "I need to get something from the car go ahead and start" sam says. You nod your head in response and run to dean whose currently laying on the table counter "dean I need you to take your shirt off " You say he slowly takes it off groaning in pain You look at his muscles and stare for a while and put your hands on his abs You hear him groan you thinking it's in pain You quickly get the thread and needle and remove your hand from his abs but he just grabs your hand and puts it back groaning again and uncomfortably moving around. You were confused but You just ignored it and started stitching up his wound. He looks at your face the entire time

Deans p.o.v:
She doesn't know what she does to me when she touches my abs I just loose it I move around uncomfortably trying to get rid of the problem in my pants. as she's stitches up my wound I admire her gorgeous face. "Done" I hear her say i sit up and look into her (y/e/c) eyes. I lean in and she leans in to our lips connect when I hear "hey dean I forgot to-" I pull away to see Castiel staring at us his face goes red oh no "DEAN WINCHESTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!!" He screams coming towards me and picking me up by the collar of my shirt " I asked you to watch over her not kiss her!!!" He yells "wait wait dad put him down!!!!" (Y/n) says as she tries to pull him away from me.he let's go of me and faces (y/n) and grabs her hand "we are leaving right now I knew It was a mistake bringing you here" he coldly says "no dad I will not go I'm to old for you to baby me around like this I like dean and I'm staying with him!" She says walking to me. Wow I didn't know (y/n) had it in her she looks sweet but is secretly feisty that's a bit hot. I decide to reason with Castiel "cas I swear to you I have no intention of using your daughter she is strong,brave,and gorgeous I want to love your daughter not sleep with her just give us a chance" I say holding her hand. I can't help but notice it fits perfectly into mine. Castiel stared at the both of us as though he was thinking. "Fine, but the second I hear you hurt (y/n) in anyway I'm taking her back and you will never see her again" he says "deal" I respond and he disappears I look down to (y/n) to see her smiling at me "now where were we" I say leaning down and kissing her.
The end

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