Christmas Eve

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        ~Warning: This chapter contains abusive content~

        It's Christmas break and that means no school. Do you know what that means? Justin is comming home for two weeks. Charlie knows about what Justin does to me. Charlie always feels horrible because he knows he can't help me all the time. 

        It was Christmas Eve morning and I was getting ready to pick up Charlie and Ana. I promised to take them to the mall to get some last minute gifts. I pull into their driveway and honk. They both come out the door with big smiles.

"Hey Alice!!" they say in sync.

"Hey guys. How's it going? I haven't seen you in a while Ana."

"We're all good. I've been pretty busy lately. I made some new friends in school and I've been busy with tons of homework too." Ana answers.

"Yeah, freshman year can be pretty stressful. So, which mall are we going to?"

"The big one." I laugh and say okay.

        We get to the mall and we let Ana go to the store that she wants first. Me and Charlie go into the clothing store next to the store Ana is in. We both go to the mens section and pick out a couple shirts for Justin. I pay and we leave. Ana comes out of her store and tells us that she wants to shop with her friends. Charlie says okay and she runs off with her friends. Charlie and I walked around the mall, going in and out of the stores. I got gifts for Ana, Heather, Charles, Justin and while Charlie wasn't looking, I got him a gift too. We left the mall and hopped in my car and drove away to a close by cafe. We got some coffee to-go and went to our spot.

        We pulled into the parking lot by our spot and got the blanket out of my trunk just like always. When we got to our spot, we put down the blanket and started talking. We talked about Justin and Ana. We were talking about futures when Charlie rolled over to look at me and I looked at him and he kisses me. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me with extreme passion. Our bodies fit toghther like they were made for eachother. Even though it's cold ouside, I'm really hot. He slowly runs his hand up my shirt and it leaves a burning sensation where he touches. He unhooks my bra and gropes my breast. I let out a soft moan which makes him moan. I wrap my hands around his head, playing with his hair. He moves his hand down my waist and starts to unbotton my pants. I pull out of the kiss and say, 

"Charlie wait.."

"I'm sorry." he says as he rolls off me.

"No no, don't appologize. It's just me. You're special to me and I want it to be special for us. I don't want sex to be something to do whenever we're bored.

"Alice, you're so beautiful. I can wait as long as you want. I want you to be my first. I've waited this long, I can wait longer." He smiles big at me and it makes me smile. "I love you Charlie". "I love you too Alice". 

        I take Charlie home and then I go home to find Justin waiting for me. 

"And where have you been missy?" Justin says with a smirk. 

"Welcome back Justin. Where's Heather and Charles?"

"Out." Next thing I know the gap between us is closed and I take a step back only to meet the wall. He smirks and grabs my right arm. 

"Justin please.. I haven't done or said anything to you ever." He throws my body to the ground and then offers his hand. Being stupid, I acctually try and grab it. He takes my hand, pins my arm to the ground with one hand and and punches my stomach with his other hand. I trired to escape his hold but he was to strong. He always calls me ugly and fat and whenever I don't do something he doesn't like or if I don't do what he tells me, well, he "gives me what I deserve"  I've tried to tell the police but Heather thretned to take me back to Ella and take me away from Charlie. 

        He gets up, grabs my arm and pulls me upthe stairs. I try and stop but he's quick to turn and punch my cheek. We get to the top of the stairs and he looks me in the eyes and laughed. He pulled me close and says "You know you deserve this" He then pushes me down the stairs. I hate how he does this with Heather knowing,and I can't do a thing. Sometimes I think, 'Hey! Alice! wake up hunny. Protect yourself and get out of there. Once you're 18, you can see Charlie whenever you want!'. I still struggle with that thought all the time. 

        I woke up in a hospital bed with Heather sitting in a chair next to me. When I turned and looked at Heather she smiled at me and asked how I was feeling. 

"I'm fine. How long have I been here?"

"About 8 hours. You're lucky you didn't die from falling down all those stairs."

"Justin told you what happened?"

"Yes. He told me When he arrived at the house getting back from collage, you were lying at the bottom of there stairs."

"That's not what happen. Ju-"

"I know.. But.. That's what you're going to tell people what happened. Are we clear?" She said in as-a-matter-of-fact way.


"Good! now, I'm going to get the nurse." She exited the room and a few short minuets later a nurse came in with some pills and bandage. 

"How are you feeling sweetie?"

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"You are one lucky lady to fall down all those stairs and not fall in a coma or die. However, you do have a mild concussion. Nothing to be worried about though. That's what these pills are for. You take two a day, one at breakfast and one at lunch. No more okay?" She smiled at me so I smiled back. 

        I saw my phone at my bedside tray so i grabbed it and texted Charlie.

To: Charlie

He did it agian. He was waiting for me when I got home.  I'm in the hospital with a conncution... Ifell down the stairs..

To: Alice

Fell down the stairs my ass. More like pushed.. I knew he wouldn't change. I'm so sorry Alice! I wish I could be there to cuddle and kiss you to make you feel better. I can't stand the thought of him touching you like that. He's going to get it bad one day and wish he never laid a finger on you. 

To: Charlie

I love you Charlie! I wish you were here too :(  I love you love you to MACS0647-JD and back! <3 

To: Alice


To: Alice

I love you too <3

To: Charlie

You're a dork. Bye! <3

To: Alice

Bye <3

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