my readers

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you reached the end!!
i hope it was worth the ride

if you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel *inexperienced bob ross music plays*

ah i'm kidding i don't have a youtube channel

sorry i'll get to the point

thank you so hecking (i still can't swear here cause my dad follows me LOL) much for giving this book a chance and showing so much love. it means a lot. truly. i'm grateful.

it's the end of this series. there's a chance i might change my mind and write a third book but right now the chances are slim.

i have a few important things i need your input on (please comment):

1. how you doin'?

2. what did you think of the book?

3. was there a favorite part?

4. anything i should improve?

thanks to anyone who said anything. it actually really helps improve what i write and how i write cause now i know what i did best and what i did poorly.

i'll be honest i'm surprised you're actually reading the ending authors note lmao.

on that note, if you're still reading this, here's something i want you to take away: be kind, and learn to forgive and let go if something/someone is in the way of your happiness.

to shoneshoes and Jcn101 , you already know the drill. always been here for my stories and always hyping me up with your hilarious comments. i love you to the moon and back.

sending so much love to all of you, always.

and i'll end this with Alex Russo's graduation speech...

later losers
- hay

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