Last Will and Forgiveness

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(Hello everyone!
I'm back with another chapter!
The art is from Pinterest but there was no artist mentioned something if anyone knows the artist please comment their name and platform and I'll add it to the disclaimer.
Harry Potter is not mine, KHR is not mine either!
Please enjoy!)

It had been just a week since Harry was declared dead. The Weasley family was grieving the loss of a second son, Hermione was grieving the loss of her best friend/brother, Neville was grieving the loss of his Godbrother, Luna, Draco, Pansy and everyone else were grieving the loss of a friend or classmate or the loss of their family members. The whole of wizarding world seem to be in a state of heartbreak. Even the obnoxious Rita Skeeter was affected and didn't publish any disparaging articles. Her articles were shockingly to the point. Hermione and Ron would have had a field day with it if the reason wasn't so heartbreaking.

It was at the end of the second week that Gringotts bank sent a summons to the following people.
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Ginerva Weasley
Remus Lupin
Nymphodora Tonks Lupin
Theodore Lupin
Andromeda Tonks
Ted Tonks
Arthur Weasley
Molly Weasley
William Arthur Weasley
Fleur Weasley
Charles Weasley
Percy Weasley
Frederick Weasley
George Weasley
Minerva Macgonagle
Pomona Sprout
Filius Flitwick
Severus Snape
Harry had left a will for them.

On the day of the will reading, everyone was present. Well everyone who survived the war at least. Griphook didn't comment on the missing people among them. War was a terrible business. He remembered the previous war, it was a mess and they not only lost good business but also good people. He gave a sigh whether it was for the loss, or himself or something else, no one could tell.

Griphook, "Is everyone present? We will start the will reading now. It'll be shown as a projection."

Harry Potter's last will

I, Harry James Potter of sound mind and body, without the influence of any external forces am now writing this last will.
Let Mother Magic and Griphook be my witnesses to the creation of this will.
So mote be it.

Hello everyone,
If you are reading or listening to this then that means I didn't make it and the war is over now.
Now just because I died doesn't mean it's the end of the world. We fought this war for a reason and we fought it together in order to see the new day.
Before we returned to school I had a feeling something might happen so I came to Gringotts bank and made this will before hand.
Let's start shall we?

Some of the adults couldn't help but give teary chuckles when they heard it.

To my dear Godson, Teddy, I leave you the inheritance to not only the Black family but also the Potter family. Yes, I decided to make you my hire. I regret not being able to spend more time with you. But never doubt that I love you.
To Remus and Tonks Lupin, I leave the Black family house. Please fill it with many children.
To Miss Andromeda and Ted Tonks, I have reinstated you back to the Black family. Welcome home. I leave Kreacher and Mimsy in your care.

Miss Tonks broke down crying after hearing the will. She had always felt the strain on the family magic ever since she had left the family. Now with the reinstating she could feel the Black family magic curling protectively around her and Teddy. Teddy who felt the magic but couldn't understand what it meant giggled happily. Somehow he knew the man in the projection loves him and that made him happy.

Hermione, you were one of the first friends I made in the wizarding world. The smartest and brightest witch of all times. To you I leave my Mother's charms notes and essays. I believe you will find them very fascinating and useful. You were my sister in all but blood. I have no doubt you will go very far.

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