Chapter 2 First day

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I wake up in the library as I check what time is it and it was 5:00 a.m. as I get up and get out of the library as I left I see Ozpin so I walk towards him to say hello

(y/n): Good morning Ozpin

Ozpin: Oh I didn't expect you to be up this early what were you doing at the library anyway

(y/n): Oh well I was just getting a little bit of information before the test by the way what time is the test started

Ozpin: The test will be starting at 10:30 will meet at the cliff

(y/n): Alright thank you Ozpin and after the test is over I have some few requests if that okay to you

Ozpin: I do not mine

(y/n): Alright well i'll be heading off then see you when the test start

Ozpin: Alright see you later

I walk off to do some morning routine to prepare for the fight

4 hour later

After finish my morning routine I head to the cafeteria then I see Velvet with someone

(y/n): Hey Velvet "I wave at her"

Velvet: Oh hey (y/n)

???: Oh so that (y/n)

(y/n): Yes I'm ma'am and you are

???: My name is Coco I'm the team leader of team cfvy

(y/n): It nice to meet you Coco

Coco: Thank you for helping out Velvet with her bully problem

(Y/n): It was no problem Coco and also you look nice today

Coco: I should say the same to you as well and also nice glasses

(y/n): Thank I design these glasses myself anyway do you guys want to hang out for a bit before my test begin

Coco: Um what time is it

Velvet: It 9:00 right know

Coco: Alright I also heard that you made good food is it okay if you cook us something

(y/n): Alright then I'll make something quick so I'll be right back

I head to the kitchen to cook up some delicious pancake

1 hour later

I got out of the kitchen with the cooked pancake

(y/n): Here you two go please enjoy your pancake

(y/n): Here you two go please enjoy your pancake

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Velvet: Oh they smell nice

Coco: (y/n) are you sure there pancake

(y/n): Yes Coco the name of it call Swedish pancake with a good flavor

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