Chapter 4 The late night training

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(y/n) POV

We were on our way back to Beacon as Summer and Ruby were catching up on stuff that Summer miss over a few years

Summer: So how Qrow been doing?

Ruby: Still the same old but he trains me to fight as I got to beacon by 2 years early

Summer: That good to hear

(y/n): We're about to land so hold on tight laddie's

They hold on tight to me as we land then we got off as I sent the griffin back to the heroic thrown

Summer: Where did that beast go? "she asks me"

(y/n): It went back the heroic thrown to it owner now then lets head to Ozpin office I'm sure that he wants explaining to hear from me along with the rest of y'all family

Summer: I can't wait to see Yang, Tai, and Qrow again

Ruby: Then let go

We head off to Ozpin office as we go to the elevator Ruby was about to press all of the buttons but I stop her as the elevator door open we see Ozpin and Glynda decisions about something as they stop and see us

Ozpin: Oh hello there Mr. (y/n) and Mrs. Rose and what are you two doing here up this late

(y/n): Well we have someone that likes to see you Mr. Ozpin

As we enter the room and we both step aside to reveal Summer as the were both shock to see her

Glynda: Summer is that you? "She ask Summer"

Summer: It's me alright

Ozpin: Impossible we saw you dead during your mission how is that even possible

(y/n): I guess you have a question about how I did it

Glynda: What you did it you revive her how there is no one on Remnant that have that power to be able to do that

Ozpin: Indeed I want to know how you did it

(y/n): Well if you must know how I did it set back and relax as I show you

After I say that I open my chest to revile my power core

Glynda: I don't think Dust have that type of power to do that right? "look at Ozpin"

(y/n): No It not dust it just an illusion let me show you what it really is

As I remove the illusion magic as they see a golden cup

(y/n): You may be asking what is this thing well I'll tell you but after this question have you ever read about the holy grail war

They all shake there head no

(y/n): Well I'll tell you the tall of the holy grail war once along time ago this golden cup was created by the god in this world as it has the power to grant one wish that they choose no matter if it a good wish or an evil wish but to get that wish they have about 7 mage and seven heroic servants to fight to get that person one wish even if it means killing one or another the seven servants that are chosen one of each class are Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, and Berserker once they have someone their servant they gain the power to command them to call a command spell you can only had three command spell that on your hand once you use all three of your command spells that mean that servant you control is no longer your servant also there is sometimes a they do have an order the servant to kill themself

That shock Glynda and Summer to hear that

Ozpin: So if you use one of the three command spells they do whatever you want that you order them to do

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