Chapter 3 The grail wish

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(y/n) POV

After the announcement about me joining Beacon and being the 5th member of team rwby they and their friend start asking me a lot of question that day after I finish all of there question we head to rwby dorm and I only see four bed

(y/n): Um where am I going to sleep? "I ask them"

Ruby: You can sleep with me

(y/n): Alright thank you for the offer Ruby "I smile at her"

Ruby: Oh um no problem "with a little blush"

Yang: "In her mind" She is so in love of him

I got out of the room so they can go change to there pajama

A few minutes later

The door open it was Ruby

Ruby: Alright you can come on in now

I nod and enter our dorm as I just get a different shirt as they see me switch shirt as they all look at me

(y/n): Why are you all looking at me like that? "I ask them"

Ruby: Let just get some sleep ok "She blush even redder"

(y/n): Well Alright then let get some sleep good night girls "as I get on Ruby top bunk"

rwby: Good night (y/n)

The next day

I wake up to see Ruby hugging me like a teddy bear as I move out of bed without waking up Ruby then I got change to my normal clothing I look at the clock it was 5:00 Then I look at the Class time it starts at 9:00 so I start on my rotten for a bit

2 hour later

After my rotten, I waking up Ruby and the rest of our friends

(y/n): Ruby it time to get up

Ruby: "mumbling for a bit" 5 more minutes

(y/n): It time to get up sleepyhead

Ruby slowly started to wake up

Ruby: "yawn with a stretch" Morning (y/n)

(y/n): Morning Ruby can you wake up the other while I make breakfast

Ruby nod then I head out to the cafeteria to make breakfast

1 hour later

After I finish cooking breakfast I see Ruby and the rest sitting together with their friends as I arrive with some pancakes

Nora: Oh does pancakes look nice not to compare to Ren pancake "started eating the pancake that I made"

Ren: These pancakes taste good can you teach me some way to make thing have good taste

(y/n): Sure but only when we have free time okay

Ren nod and continue eating after eating we all head to class

(y/n): Hey Ruby what does this class is about? "I ask Ruby"

Ruby: Oh Professor Peter teaches about Grimm but sometimes he gets off topic with his story

(y/n) nod and the teacher enter the classroom

Prof Peter: Hello class today we have a new student today please introduce us

I get up and walk toward Prof Peter and turn to the class

(y/n): Hello my name Is (y/n) I'm an android with a human soul

Cardin: Look at that a walking tin can

(y/n): Hey did I kick your butt in the cafeteria yesterday

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