Chapter 6 The assassin battle

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(y/n) POV

Me and Qrow were back at beacon as we went back to Ozpin office to tell him the mission was successful

Qrow: So let me get this strat you can turn into any heroic spirit that was in the past and use their power whenever you want

(y/n): Yes it is and I can also use their riding vehicle or animal as well when I'm not in a servant from

Qrow: Not bad kid you seem to be more of the peaceful type of guy

(y/n): Indeed I am 

Then the elevator door is open as we both enter Ozpin office as he sees us

Ozpin: Was the mission was a success

Qrow: Indeed the Grimm is vaporizes thank to our new friend

(y/n): Ozpin I think it time for Qrow to see her again

Ozpin: I already call her to come to my office

Qrow: Her what are you talking about? "He asks us"

(y/n): That you will see soon "I smile"

Ozpin: Anyway Qrow was there any problem with our new friend (y/n)

Qrow: Naw me and him are getting along just fine

Ozpin: It rare to see you get along with anyone after what happened to her

Qrow nod sadly as he was about to take his drink as I stop him

Qrow: Way you stop me kid

(y/n): I think you should use this it help eas down the mind

I gave him a non-alcoholic drink as he takes a sip as he like it

Qrow: Thank kid I didn't know you drink

(y/n): Well it part of my heroic servant you know

Then we all hear the elevator door ding as it opens we all see Summer as Qrow drop his drink as I quickly caught it on time before it hit the floor

Qrow: Short stake is that you

Summer: It's me Qrow it has been a long time

Qrow rush at Summer as he went for a bear hug as he shed tears

Qrow: But how we were all at your funeral after you die how is that even possible

Ozpin: I think our new friend has something to do with that

Qrow let go then turn to me

Qrow: You brought her back how no one in Remnant has the power to do that

(y/n): Well I will tell you the secret but keep it a secret alright

Qrow: I promise

Then I open my chest as he jump for a bit for his reaction to see it was just a dust then I snap my finger to reveal the holy grail

Qrow: So that what you use to revive back Summer does anyone else knows about this

(y/n): So far it's you, Summer, Ruby, Ozpin, and Glynda

Qrow: Well thank you so much it means a whole lot for us to have her back

(y/n): Indeed know if you excuse me I have to go enjoy your time together

They both nod as I take my leave

Yang POV

We were doing nothing at all of us were so bord till we heard the door open to see it was (y/n)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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