Chapter 5 First mission

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(y/n) POV

I was called into the office to meet someone as I wonder who it was as I exit the elevator to see a man wearing a white jacket and a girl that look like Weiss

(y/n): So you wanted to see me Ozpin

Ozpin, Glynda, the girl, and the man stop talking then look at me

Ozpin: Ha (y/n) glad that you arrive I would like you to meet general Ironwood he from atlas

(y/n): It nice to meet you general

Ironwood: It nice to meet you too

Ozpin: This is the android that I was talking to you about

Ironwood: I'm impress an old machine with an human soul is very impressive my I ask who build you

(y/n): Well you can't meet him because he dead do to the final faze was a complete failure but all I will say that he was a mad scientist that want to end the world

???: And your going to do his dying wish

Ironwood: Winter that enough if he was doing that he would of done it when he was reactivated

(y/n): You are right and beside I did made a promise to protect this world after all

Winter: Well then forgive me for jumping into conclusion

(y/n): You are forgiven

Ironwood: Now then let get down to business I want to study you and your programming especially the one that you change in to other people in the past

(y/n): Well I will have to decline that

Ironwood: But with your program will helping our drone as we can win this war with ease

(y/n): Yes you can win this war but in a  different solution

Winter: What are you talking about

(y/n): What i'm saying is that if my tech is fallen to the wrong hand and taken control with a simple virus then there will be a problem   

Ozpin: Now that you mention it that would be a problem sorry about Ironwood he always when to do stuff when he see new tech to have the advantage

Glynda: And plus when you say a simple virus what will happen if you get hit by a simple virus

(y/n): Well that the thing I can't

Everyone was confuse for a bit

(y/n): Well I can't be hit with any virus remember what I say about that I can control the very evil servant and the one last night that I know that you two watch me Ozpin and Glynda

Ozpin was the same as Glynda was shock as I know that they have hidden camera in the school

  (y/n): Mind showing them the filling of my power

Ozpin nod and open then screen on the wall to see what happen last night

After watching the video

Ironwood was shock as Winter look scare of my power of a servant

Ironwood: I see what you mean if your tech was fallen to the wrong hand my deepest apologies for not realizing that (y/n)

(y/n): You forgiven and Winter

Winter slowly look at me

(y/n): Are you and Weiss related

Winter: Yes she my sister

(y/n): Ha I see well then why not visit her since you're here

Ironwood: Your right oh and I just want to know how were you able to revive a dead person

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