Chapter 1 : Introduction

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*** Liz's Point of view *****

I heard a my phone ringing .The vibration woke me.Oh no ! I fell asleep ! I had a million works to do.I turned down the speaker .I picked the phone .It was Caroline .

"Hello ," I said

"Liz where are you? I have been calling you for the last one hour .Don't tell me your so busy that you forgot your best friends. Rebecca and I have been waiting for you .Where in the earth are you ?You totally ditched our shopping plan ."Caroline yelled.

Caroline and Rebecca are my best friends .It's been two years of our friendship .They are different then me .Caroline is the prettiest girl I've ever met.She's not just pretty but has an awesome figure.Boys chase her .She has a big heart too.Rebecca is also my best friend.We were friends even before Caroline .Caroline joined us .She is also really beautiful. We share the same passion an hobbies .Not to mention how boys chase her too .

Like of everyone else both enraptured my heart and ended up being best friends !

To be honest I have no idea how I landed with these two people .They are completely different from who I an .Whatever I might be I love them.

"Caroline, calm down.I fell asleep.I was typing my essay .I am actually ready .Umm can i come over now ?" I said

"What ? Why the hell did you have to do your essays right then? God I forgot, you think time's important and blah blah blah.... .If you wanna come better hurry !"

I grabbed my purse and headed out .


"Seriously ? Your coming to a showroom which has Gucci handbags and you not buying anything ?!"Rebecca said

"I told you I have a lot of handbags .you guys can buy "
I said sipping my lemonade .

"Liz what's even the point of going to shopping then? " Caroline asked as she rolled her eyes.

I was about to give her a reply when Caroline's phone rang.Her irritated face now had a beautiful smile .I knew already who was calling her.

"Hey baby .I'm at the mall ... Uhmm ..ya with my girls...uhmm ... Ya see you later Patrick !" Caroline said over the phone .

Patrick was a boy of our school.He is in my maths class .I find him friendly.He has been dating Caroline for the plast four months . She was smitten by him .

"Yah yah ...boyfriend talk !" I said with a grimace.

Caroline jut gave me a smile .Then they bought a bunch of things and we got into the restaurant .I ordered a pizza .

My Hawaiian pizza arrived. I was starving . I love pizzas. Who doesn't ? I snatched a piece from the common plate and took a huge bite.

Ah! Bite of heaven.

Just then a boy came and sat on a table not far away from us .I looked at him .He was looking at us .

I had no idea who he was. But it was embarrassing to see him looking at us right now ,with me having so bad table manners!

"Oooo...isn't he hot? , " Rebecca said.

"Jeez Rebecca ! You are not single " i said in a disgusted tone.

"So?" She replied with a blank expression ." Doesn't mean I can't look at hot boys .Don't get all mad Liz .I'm just looking .And moreover , I'm not gonna hit on him or something ."

"Guys,he isn't just looking at us .He's staring at you Liz "she raised her eyebrow and gave me her mischievous grin.

I looked at the boy. She was right.He was staring at me .He didn't look away .Alright,Rebecca was right again .He was hot

.But then he was complete stranger too .It was ridiculous of them to look at a stranger that way!

"Shut up Caroline.I'm full .Lets's just get out of here ." I said

"What you just had a piece!" She protested.

"I said I am full ! Let's just get out of here okay?" I replied.

"Why are you like this Liz ?"Caroline asked with a frown ."You are pretty .So obviously ,boys will hit on you. Well at least they will stare .So take it easy and go ahead and talk with him!"

"God why are you making it an issue .Let's just go from here .Don't tell me we are gonna stay here just to look at that stranger .i'v got work to do "I said

"Guys take it easy . Caroline , lets just go from here .You know it's useless to talk these kind of stuff to Liz "Rebecca said.I just rolled my eyes .


****Tim's point of view *****

"Get up Tim !" I heard my mom's voice ."It's twelve pm ! How can you sleep so much "

What !! 12 PM ?! God ,mom's gotta be kidding .i had to go to the Greg's cafe at the mall by 11 .I flung my bed sheets and woke up.

"12 pm ! Oh man , Crap !" I said.

"Mind your tongue,young man," my mom said ."Anyway , was there any work ?"

"Ya mom , you know the usual !" .I just put my pants on.I saw a T-shirt by the table .I picked it up.I smelled it.It wasn't sticking so I just put it on.

"You know honey that's a really disgusting way to know if your T-shirt's clean or not "mom said in disgusted tone.

"Ya whatever , bye mom !!" I pecked on her cheeks and stormed out of the house .


I went to the Greg's .Damn ! I was late by an hour .That girl will kill me I went and sat onto a table .Just as I was about to take out my phone , I saw three girls on a nearby table .

All the three chicks were hot .

But the one in the middle was the one that really caught my eye .She was eating a pizza .She wasn't wearing anything so flashy but she was looking good.She had long blond hair.She had the blond cuteness .

The other girl looked at me and told the blond something. The blond stared at me .It was not in a slutty way , but really innocently.Then she told something to her friend .

'Damn it,Tim.You are really hot, aren't you ?You can't really go unnoticed ' Alright, I was talking to myself now!

Just as I got up to go to there table ,all of them got up and left.That surprised me . I was about to follow them ,just then I remembered the actual reason I came in here.

I saw the girl inside one of the shops.She looked pissed off .I knew that if I would go and talk to her , she's just yell her ass out.So I just decided I wouldn't go .I would be busted if she'd see me .I had to get out of here without letting her see me .Just then a waiter came in.

"Hey buddy !Look this is my first time I'm coming at the mall of Boston.So are there any rear exits?"I asked

"Yes sir,just go to there and take left,"he gave me the directions.Man,the malls at Boston really are big .But every mall has a rear exit .Stupid of me to think that way ."It leads you to the parking ,Sir" he said.

"Ya ,thanks mate "I smiled .

I got out of the mall.

End of Chapter one


Author's note :

Hey guys ! Short chapter right.i'll update soon.This is a love story of two different kinds people.Liked it ? Add in library.

Comment !!


Not a true love story though

Thank you

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