Ch. 2

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"Louis, hurry up! They're almost on!" Fizzy shouts.

Louis has been buzzing all day since he found out One Direction would be guest starring on Ellen.

Louis comes into the living room with a bag of chips as he repeats, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh-"

"Louis, shut up! They're just a stupid band!" Lottie says.

"Stupid? Don't call my boys stupid ever again!" Louis throws a chip at her face, "Irrelevant bitch."


Louis slaps a hand over her mouth, "Shut up! They're on!" Louis squeals in excitement.

"OH MY GOD! HARRY!" Fizzy shouts.

"Shhh!" Louis scolds, bouncing up and down in excitement in his seat.

"Stop moving the couch for fucks sake!" Lottie shouts at Louis who's to happy to even care that she's yelling at him.


"Louis, nobody but you is talking!" Lottie points out.

"Sh, child, the kings are talking!"


"So, boys, how are you?" Ellen asks.

"Great!" Harry and Zayn answer in unison recieving clapter.

"I'm fantastic!" Liam replies.

"Great as well!" Niall answers.

"Good to hear, good to hear. I'm also good, thanks for asking." Ellen jokes.

The boys quickly apologize.

"I heard you all have an announcement for me concerning the band?" Ellen asks.

"Yes, we do!" Liam answers.

There's a moment of silence.

"Well, don't keep me waiting." Ellen teases.

The boys laugh.

"Well, Ellen, One Direction are looking-"

"Do you always refer to yourself in third person?" Ellen asks cutting Niall off.

All four laugh.

"Yes, actually, it's fun! Niall thinks Ellen should try it." Niall says.

"Ellen will try it for Niall." Ellen begins to laugh, "Ellen sound like a cave woman." Ellen jokes and they all burst out laughing, "Ellen will stop talking like this now!"

After the laughter has died down, Ellen sits up and clears her thoat, pretending to be serious, "So, tell me, what's the big announcement?"

"We're looking for a fifth member to join One Direction." Liam announces.

"And I'm pregnant!" Niall jokes, to lighten the news for anyone who isn't happy about it.


"No way!" Felicite exclaims, "A fifth member?!"

Louis throws his bag of chips at her, "Shh! They're still talking!"

"And how do you plan on finding the next member?" Ellen asks.

"Well, for anyone, male or female and eighteen and above, who is intrested, we'll be posting up a video today on our vevo account that'll tell you what to do to audition!" Zayn answers.

"Louis! You have to do it!" Felicite says.

"Do what?" Louis asks.


Louis bursts out laughing when he realizes Felicite is being serious, "No way!"

"Why not?!"

"First off all, I don't sing. Second of all, I don't have the looks. Third of all, I don't make the age cutoffs."

"But you sing great, Louis!" Felicite insists.

"Do not."

"Yes, you do, Louis!" Felicite adds, "Right, Lottie?"

Lottie nods, "You have a good voice Louis but he's right Fizzy either way, mum would never let him and he's to young! He just turned sixteen." Lottie points out.

Felicite pouts, "I still think you should try it, Lou..."

No Control - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now