Chapter 6: Berk

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Issei and his friends were making their way to another new world since they just finish with their adventure in Bolts world now the landed on a random rock not really knowing where the heck they were since they just saw water as the eye could see!

Issei: So...seems like we will be looking for a while now won't we...


Kiba: I have to agree with Vali in this we can be miles away from land! 

Draig: Best I can suggest is we head east from here i sense many dragon signatures.

Incursio: Draig is right there's a lot of them just over there but it's just not dragons its also humans.

Albion: Strong humans at that they could give the ones in our world a run for their money.

Issei: Alright seems like we will be going over there guys.

Issei spread his dragon wings out so did Vali and Kiba spread his devil wings out and began flying towards the area while making their way towards the area the were immediately attack by heartless once again.

Issei: Great we just can't catch a freaking break!

Of course being in a dragon world they were up against dragon like heartless Issei took out his blade and Vali just using her Divine Dividing gear and punched a couple of the heartless into the ocean before building up a blue magic ball and fired a barrage of blue orbs at them Kiba wielding Incursio and his Holy Demonic blade fought back to back with Issei slicing the heartless in half Issei even lit both of his keyblades on fire and i made a giant fire tornado.

Kiba: Not so bad so far.


All three of them looked towards that voice to see a guy riding a black dragon at that showing anger towards them.

Issei: Uh where killing these heartless...

Vali: Yeah it would be better you stay out of this.

???: Not when you are hurting dragons like this!

Issei: Look buddy these aren't dragons they may look like it but these are what we call heartless they are creature made of pure darkness who will do anything to get peoples hearts they can even take different forms and before you know it they can take your heart next.

???: What?

One of the heartless appeared behind this guy Issei quickly pushed him away and fired a ice attack at it killing the heartless.

Kiba: As you can see it isn't safe here it's best you run now!

???: No...whatever these heartless thing you guys speak off are this dangerous than Toothless and I will fight too!

Issei: Alright just be careful we have been fighting these things for a while now and they can do serious damage when not paying attention.

So now Issei had another person helping him out and honestly he wasn't too bad although it was mostly his dragon friend doing all the fighting but they were getting rid of heartless at a faster rate so this was good for them.

Issei: Alright so that should be the rest of the heartless here.

Kiba: I don't see anymore appearing so right now should be a good time to introduce ourselves huh.

Vali: Guess so of this guy will think we are enemies to everyone.

Issei: *sigh* Well I guess i'll introduce myself first i'm Issei Hyoudou sorry for the sudden introduction with these things.

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