Chapter16: Typical crush

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"Right! He really needs to learn a lesson. " I give it a thought. Mike taming him— Not a bad idea. I rub my chin with my index finger.

"No way, " intertwines Marsha when I was in the middle of coming up with a solid plan.

"I never said I'm coming with you guys. " Mike stands up and gets past me to leave the cafe.

My mouth is wide open. Marsha glance through the same window, I was glancing at before she arrived, waiting for whatever is about to begin between me and Mike to get over.

"I said I'll also go. So, I'm taking my leave. " He shrugs, answering what my expression interrogated. He opens the exit door and I unconsciously jerk away from Marsha.

"But..You remember, right? " I slowly whisper, coming towards him.

"Yes. But I think, me being part of this is ridiculous. " he says and closes the door behind him. To be honest, it felt as if he slammed it in front of my face. Well, I didn't see that coming, though.

"Marsha, I have something to tell you. Please, don't freak out. " I get distant from the door shut in my face just now and step closer to Marsha.

She's right now sitting across the table and I join, too.

"Mike likes you. " I blurt out.

"What? " she half-laughs.

"He said me. I'm not lying." I look at her firmly. Somehow, feeling miserable inside. What am I doing!?
I shouldn't. This will sure hurt him (and me? )But I'm not able to come to my senses.

"Oh, " is all she says.

No, she begins to frown thinking something in her head.

"Jen, you shouldn't really do this. You just start being rude to your pals when they disagree with you. What if I was in place of Mike? He had to leave because of a reason. He can't poke into our personal matters." she scrunches her nose and her arms are embracing her waist.

"But he isn't one of my pals. " I object.

"Exactly! " her arms are up in the air as she snaps.

The next twenty minutes turns out to be awkward. I speak nothing, which I barely do. She waits for her order, an ice lemon tea and looks at the table then through the window and then continues the same.
I wish I could take back what I just ejaculated. I can't. Not without a time machine, for now.

Hours later..

I ring the doorbell several times and finally, give in.

"I think nobody's at home. " I say to Marsha. It's weird the door is locked from inside, though.

She sighs and sits down on the cold concrete.

"Don't you know where the spare key is?" I nudge at her.

"It's inside." she sighs, the hundredth time.

"Nobody can help us now. Let's just go. How about my place? " I kick the pebbles lying down with my sneakers and wait for her response.

"You're right, " I nod in agreement and move my hands to dig up in my purse...wait.

"My purse!? " I shriek.

Marsha looks above and frowns. "What's the matter? "

"It's not with me..My purse.. " I mutter in disbelief.

Marsha again sighs and mumbles, "Speaking of the obvious," I tilt my head in confusion. "Karma's a bitch." she ends her statement.


Jason's POV

"Is Jen your bestie? " Neil playfully hit on my shoulder and asks.

"Yes. So what? " I roll my eyes. I snatch away the photographs he is going through. How did he even find my childhood album? I don't remember where I hid it in first place.

"Hey! Don't be rude, buddy. By the way, You know I have a typical crush on her ever since the day you took me with you at her house for dinner. Oh.. Those deep brown caramel eyes spoke a hundred lies. "

"What do you mean? " a hundred lies? Is he scrolling through imaginative flashbacks in his mind or something?

"I talked to her alone, remember? She told me something about you, like she loves your smile.. " his expression suddenly crepes up in a slump.

"And do you remember she told you not to tell me any of it? " I grin. Catching somebody red handed surprisingly feels enthralling.

"Uh.. You're right. I shouldn't.. " he scratches the nape of his neck.

I shift closer to him and whisper in his ears, "You have to tell me everything after this, "

He gulps hard.

Well, I really didn't know Jen likes my smile. All we do is childishly mock each other. Although, she should have been careful I mean, she told this to my roommate, like seriously? I'm dying to know what else she told him. It's a weird feeling. Maybe, I'm too much of a selfish jerk or something. Either way, This is going to be interesting.

Janitor's POV

"Gosh, I'm freezing! " I growl to myself.

"Me too. Can't believe you left your car in front of Mike's house and your purse had all your simple yet major belongings including, your cell phone and cash. It is maybe lying somewhere the hell we don't know. " she shakes her head in disappointement.

"We should.. probably, call a cab or something? " I suggest, enduring shivers attacking my body. Damn, it's way too cold today!

"Wish I had that much of a money on me." she sighs.

"Really? And you can afford an ice lemon tea in such a frigging cold day."
I try my best not to roll my eyes. She was right. I need to improve my behavior towards my pals in such drastic situations. Same goes for being with Mike, I guess.

''It was only worth a-" Marsha gets cut off in mid of her clarification when someone honks a car.. A car, a lifesaving car... Wait. It's my car?

I can't believe my eyes when I see my mother's car honking at front of Marsha's house main gate. I squeal in relief and run towards it.

Who's is honking it?

I get the answer soon when the car window glass of the driver seat rolls down.

Those oceanic eyes relishes a gist of throbbing in my chest. A drop of tear flushes down my cheeks as I say in a crack voice, "Mikey.. "

To be continued.. ♥ ♥

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And.. Stay tuned!!

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