In Which Zed Is Like An Exhausted Parent

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"You're sick."

Zed remarked to the blond haired male who was currently packing some of his supplies into a bag as she folded her arms across her chest, applying most of her weight to one leg which gave off a majorly unamused vibe. Her comment coming from a sense of worry however she was well aware he'd dismiss her.

"Wha' gave ya tha' impression, luv? Don't tell me.. ya saw it in a vision of yers?"

He spat back at her in a snarky manner, totally disregarding what she said as he placed in a sealed bottle of a clear liquid gingerly into the bag. What all was he packing? That we'll never know. Did we really want to know? How much could that bag even hold? Was it actually a portal to another dimension? Was it like Zatanna's magic hat? We'd never know. She of course didn't find this at all amusing, he was taunting her when all she was trying to do was help! Typical John. She was far too stubborn to give in just yet however. That's how she's stuck around for so long, no matter how many times he tried to push her away she just pushed him back.

"Ha ha, but seriously you're not in well enough of a condition to be running off again."

John of course rolled his eyes at that, he wasn't going to listen to her and they both knew that.

"Oh sod off, 'm fine."

The blond grumbled in annoyance as he lit up a cigarette to take a long leisurely drag off of it. His throat was already burning but he attempted to repress the upcoming coughs... He wasn't successful. The power of the coughing fit caused the lit cigarette to fly out of his mouth and on to the floor, Zed stomping it out of course.

"I believe my point is made."

Zed stated matter-of-factly yet she knew he still wouldn't listen to her.

The sheer force of the coughs caused him to tremble all over temporarily, the item in his hands shook along with him. Thank goodness it was only a book so it couldn't be spilled or broken!

"You're not well enough to be going out."

She repeated to try and get it through to him to no avail.

John paused for a moment to try and formulate an argument but came up with nothing as he grabbed his bag to begin heading out.

"I should go with you, just to be sure everything's alright."

She compromised, if she was there with him she could keep a close eye on him.

"Absolutely not."

Of course he'd say no. He didn't want anything to happen to her, not that he'd admit to that.

"You shouldn't be out going alone, especially when you're running yourself ragged like this!"

She pointed out in exasperation, man oh man was it difficult to reason with someone like him. Next to impossible.

"Won't be, Chas is comin' with me."

He retorted as she sighed heavily and ran her fingers through her dark locks. Hopefully Chas wouldn't allow him to do anything stupid. Hopefully. He's at least /somewhat/ responsible. Compared to John at least.

"Fine, just don't do anything stupid like last time!"

He offered a teasing grin over his shoulder as he walked out the door, calling out to her mockingly before closing it behind him.

"No promises, luv. Cheers!"

With that she heard the sound of the engine and the sound of gravel abusing the cab on its descent down the road, feeling paranoid she grabbing the set of keys for /her/ car that John had attempted to keep out of her reach. He had planned that she'd want to follow them but did not plan for her to find said keys that quickly. He probably should have taken them with him but clearly he assumed she'd just pitpocket them back before he could leave.

She'd help whether he liked it or not, she would not allow herself to be left behind!

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