She Only Hit Me Once

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⚠️This prompt contains acts of domestic violence committed by a woman on to a man and implied sexual acts, if you're sensitive to these sort of themes then please do not read this! You've been warned and any further outcome is no longer my responsibility. If you wish to proceed scroll on. ⚠️

John Constantine could have sworn they were in love! He felt as if for once he had truly been accepted for who he was, it was so welcoming and oh so freeing. However it was not the case! As usual there were many hardships in the life of Constantine. Nothing could be simple and enjoyable! Lighting up a cigarette to ease his nerves he began to recollect on the events prior to this. After all,

She'd only hit him once.

That's not bad, right?

No, this needed to end. Now. Before things could possibly get worse.

He cared for her far too much to let her become a monster because of him.

"Luv, this isn't workin' out... We need to call it quits."

Weeks before he had felt his heart bleed when he and Zatanna had learned the third in their polyamorous relationship was not at all interested in them... Only her powers.

"I thought we were in love!"

John had shouted out towards the third party member who was walking out on them.

Walking out on their relationship.

Just like that it was John and Zatanna, alone together to pick up the pieces. They didn't break things off then.

If only they knew that things would only get worse from here, maybe they could have prevented what's to come by ending their relationship then.

Coping with the loss of their lover John would drink more than his usual (not that you could truly tell) which caused Zatanna to grow irritated and concerned. Irritated that he couldn't be around her sober and concerned that he'd die of alcohol poisoning on her!

In hopes of making him agree to cut back or stop all together she would begin shouting at him every time he had some alcohol and try to find a way to take it from him... Which in turn made John irritated and shout back at her.

Their arguments grew more and more frequent with each passing day.

"Ye need to stop tryin' to bloody control me! If ye can't tell I'm no bloody puppet-!!"

The blond male hollered at the dark haired female before him.

"I'm only trying to help you, John!"

She defended.

This pattern continued on and on for about three and a half months, arguing, making up, making love, so on and so forth.

Everything felt empty.

Even during their sessions of love making... It no longer felt like love. Merely a responsibility of his. He didn't even enjoy it... he doubted she enjoyed it either.

One particular night Zatanna grew short with him smoking a cigarette whilst telling her a story and slapped him hard across the face to get it away from him and shut him up. Usually she would just listen... John guessed perhaps he annoyed her too much to have the patience to do that.

It was only one hit, it didn't matter.

Sure it stung a lot and he didn't feel he earned it but... She only hit him once. There was nothing else to be said about it. He cared deeply about her.. He didn't want to put her through this any longer, what was keeping him in this relationship?

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