im sorry

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hi guys. i literally hate that i'm writing this right now. but i will not be continuing this story, however, i remember being on your shoes. reading a story that is just getting to the good part when the author decides to call it quits. well that's unbelievably frustrating, i know. so here is what happens with Ella and Queen.

•Freddie starts to really love the idea of Roger and Ella together. he makes her happy and she keeps him grounded.

•Freddie purposes to Mary and she asks Ella to be the maid of honor.

•The boys get a tour in America and Ella goes with them. she starts falling in love with the world on the road and she is content seeing Freddie and Roger and the boys do what they were made to do.

•Ella and Mary call each other often because Mary is watching the store for her.

•Mary calls one night while they're in Texas for a concert and tells Ella that Al had passed away.

•Ella catches a flight back and goes to the funeral, she goes back to the store, sells the rest of the music, and closes the store for good. the last record sold was Queen.

•Ella decides to wait in London for the tour to end. her and Mary grow even closer and plan details for the wedding.

•Mary tells Ella she thinks her and Freddie won't work.

•The boys come home and Ella decides her and Freddie need one on one time.

•They buy sandwiches and go sit in front of the now closed music store where they met. Freddie tells her he's gay.

•Mary leaves for a while because the news was so hard on her but comes back a month later and her and freddie decide to stay close friends.

•Freddie starts getting into trouble. he is starting drugs.

•Roger proposes Ella. She of course says yes.

•Ella gets an official job managing the band.

•She begins writing music with them as well and they go on another tour.

•They return from the tour and the band gets into a big fight. Freddie says he's doing a solo career and tells Ella she has to choose between managing him or the band. When she tells Freddie she can't leave her Fiancé, Freddie walks out and doesn't speak to them for over a year.

•They postpone the wedding because of all the trouble.

•A year later Ella gets a call and her father was in an accident and passed away.

•They postpone the wedding again, Ella starts getting second thoughts. she misses Freddie too much.

•She goes to Freddie's parents house one day and tells them about everything going on. she tells them she's worried for him and how she misses her best friend.

•The wedding is three weeks away. Ella still hasn't heard from Freddie.

•The day of the wedding she is getting ready and Freddie comes in, he cries, asks for her forgiveness, and she asks him to give her away.

•Ella and the band meet his boyfriend. She loves him, they get along great.

•Roger and Ella have four kids. first a boy, they name him Freddie John Taylor. a second, also a son, his name is Roger Brian Taylor. Their third Child is also a son. His name is Hendrix Jay Taylor. Lastly they have a girl. Her name is Hayden Mercury Taylor.

•In 1991, Freddie Mercury passed away, Ella opened a music store and names it Radiant, in honor of her best friend, who was so close to the sun.

Ella and Roger now live in North Carolina where ella was from. Ella writes letters to Freddie and mails them to the address of the old store they once met at. she has no idea who or what is there now, she hasn't been to London in years. Her mother moved back to the states with her. but she still writes and mails the letters in hope that somehow he can read them. she misses her best friend everyday. and every time she goes to the beach with her beautiful family, she smiles at the ocean. how different her life is now. the place she once desperately didn't want to leave, is now somehow the saddest place in the world. but it's still a good world. because her beautiful kids will grow up in a world where they can always hear his voice.

The voice of Queen.

The voice of Freddie Mercury.

The end.

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