Chapter 7: Gulf

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My future just got flushed with this development. I will never get out of this town. I might as well go home and accept my mother's conditions.

"Hey Gulf, watch where you're going." The student I almost bumped said before moving away.

I continued walking until I reached the gym. 5 classes went by. Amongst the 5, the last thing I remember is me saying how excited I am to get out of this town. I'd be lucky if I graduate at this point.

Smarty pants has full of surprises. Lawyer ha. Fuck your title. Fuck you. Fuck this school. Fuck this town.

Shit. I need someone to bury my frustrations. Yes Gulf add more complications to your impossible life. Tap yourself on the back for a job well done.

Fuck. My. Life.

"Hey Cap. You look like someone can chew you alive and you wouldn't even notice." That Arch, our goalkeeper.

"Hey Goalie. Is everyone out in the field?" I asked.

"Yup. Coach is out there too with the head of the school." He said trotting around.

"Why? What's going on?" That's me curious. Practices are usually uneventful.

"Not sure Cap probably just to observe." He said ready to go to the field.

"Okay let's go before we do push ups again." I said tagging along.

I went treading down the field with my goalie following me. Arch is my favorite player. He is a year younger than me and feircely loyal.

I was tackling Arch playfully when we reached the rest of the team. When I looked up, the first person I saw was none other than mister smarty pants.

What. A. Day.

He does not look surprised anymore though. Does he know I'm the captain? Is this intentional? What is happening? I can't start and end my day like this. Not football. This is my only joy. I can't give this up.

"Now that everyone's here, I'd like to introduce you to the owner of the school ..........". I. DID. NOT. UNDERSTAND. THE. REST. It was bits and pieces from here on.

".......treat him well.....he'll support us........he'll take care of the financial needs.......wouldn't be here.....high football."

I will complete this puzzle later.

"....owner of the school....."



Two hours later, I have 3 more bruises to console my first bruise. Just what I fucking need.

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