Chapter 41: Gulf

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We just finished our meeting with the district attorney. My mother and I are waiting for Mew in a restaurant just in front of the government building to further discuss our next move. Mew stayed behind for some legal matters.

It was the first time I saw him in action and I can't help but be proud of him. I found out that we needed to come here to make sure that we can legally review past evidences without the interference of the police. Mew said that we have a new witness which the district attorney rebuts at first because there was no witnesses to the scene. Mew said that the witness had difficulty then because of her medical condition but is now ready to testify if needed.

The district attorney was skeptical at first and tried a different tactic stating that it is usually the police who investigates cold cases because this is part of their job. Mew stood his ground though and said that the opportunity presented itself and he would rather investigate himself than burden the police. He also emphasized that what we need is just for the district attorney's office to grant him a memorandum to proceed with the investigation and ensure old evidences can be provided by the police. The district attorney who was just appointed two years back was thinking about it at first, Mew though said something that made him agree. Mew mentioned that if we are able to close this cold case involving high members of the community, this will look good on his record if he decides to extend his term. The district attorney looked insulted at first and looked at my mother and me. He was probably embarrassed that the civilians heard that. But my mother looked at him pleadingly so he finally agreed.

I looked at my mother sitting in front of me, she looks regal as always, but unlike three years ago when she always looked tensed around me, she now looks relaxed and at peace.

"Are you okay son?" She smiled.

"Yes I am." I smiled back.

She reached for my hand and held it. "I really hope we will be able to find closure with this latest development. I know you need it more that I do."

I looked at her and decided to ask her the things that has bugged my mind three years ago. "Mom, have you known Attorney Bennett long?"

"Oh, you mean Mew?"

I nodded.

"This is actually the third time I've seen him. I met him before when he was younger. I don't know if he remembers that though. I think it was a few months after the fire broke, the police called me and wanted to return some of the things found in your father's car. When we arrived at the police station, he, his sister and uncle were also there----"


"Yes son, I brought you with me." She looked intently at me and paused for a while. "You probably don't remember, you looked lost then and just kept quiet. I left you with Mew when I and his uncle where talking to the police."

I've met Mew before?

"Don't stress yourself by trying to remember. That time was very hard for us, especially Mew. He was left with his sister when he was barely in his teens."

"Sorry it took some time, I had to wait for the memorandum to be signed." We were interrupted by Mew who tried to squeeze himself on my side of the table. So annoying.

My mother withdrew her hand from mine and smiled at Mew. Mew though looked at my hand and tensed for a while. Then he schooled his features and talked to my mom. "I already talked to the police, we'll have the evidences by tomorrow Auntie."

I raised my brow. Auntie, eh? So you actually know your place.

"That's great Mew. How's Lisa though? Is she okay with this?" Yeah Lisa. I need to thank her.

"Yes. We, I mean I have been waiting for this for a very long time. She understands that I have to do this."

"That's great, anything you need? You're going to do this without your uncle's help. Is he even aware you're doing this." I can feel Mew tensing again.

"I'll worry about uncle but I actually need something..... or someone. I aaah, ummm."

"Go ahead son, I'll see what I can do. Tell me."

"I need another head for a wider point of view. Just so I can be sure that I don't miss anything."

Motherfucker Mew. I know where you're going. You're still the old cunning asshole I know. I fisted my hand trying to control my anger.

"Well given the sensitivity and the confidentiality of this case, I think the best person to help you is my son. Right Gulf?"

I just want to kick his balls to put him in his place. "Yes mom."

My mom smiled, "So it's settled then. Okay, I'll leave you boys be. I'll skip lunch I still need to go to a meeting but please stay here and eat. Oh and son, let me know if the driver has to pick you up."

"Will do mom." I stood up and kissed her on the ckeek and the motherfucker imitated me. So this is how it is. How do I get out of this situation?

Once alone----

"Can you please sit on the other side of the table?"
"So you got married. Who's the lucky girl?"

We said at the same time. We looked at each other. He backed down and transferred to the bench opposite me.

"So what do you need me to do?"

"Are you married Gulf?" He looked at me trying to decipher my expression.

"You know that I don't need to answer that." I said looking at the menu.

"Right. Obviously there's a ring to prove it."

"How are we going to proceed with the investigation? Can you share your plan so that I can also budget my time." I signalled for a waiter.

"Where is she?"


"Your wife."

"We're still there?" Stop already Mew, I'm not going to tell you anything.

"I didn't marry Malee." I tried to hide my surprise.

"The times have really changed. Now you're voluntarily giving me information I don't fucking need."

"Anything for you Sir?" ---- I tensed, that was the waiter. We're still there Gulf? One word and you look like you got burnt.

I looked at the waiter, "just coffee."

"And you Sir?" He is looking at Mew.

Mew is looking at me. I am trying not to look at Mew, anywhere but him. "He'll get coffee too." I said to the waiter. Once he's gone, I tinkered my phone. Then looked up.

"After coffee, we can go. You can just text me for the next steps. I have retrieved my old number."

He looks puzzled. "You're still using your old number?"


"But I called you a million times Gulf."

"I just unblocked you now."

I saw it. The pain in his eyes. It was so evident he can't hide it pretty well.

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