Chapter 16 - Bobby

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I tried to stand up and run after Ariana when they rolled her away but I collapsed the second any pressure went onto my leg. I just laid on the cold floor crying until Logan found me and put me back into my chair. He waited for me to calm down to ask me what happened.

"She's gone." I said between sobs.

"Like she left?" Said Logan confused.

"She's dead!!" I screamed at him. He looked horrified and I watched as a tear fell down his cheek.

*1 week later*

Her funeral was very sad. They asked me to say something so I spent the past week working on it. When it was my turn to speak Aurora squeezed my hand and I rolled myself to the mic.

"The first day I met Ariana I was not looking forward to it. I was expecting just another mutant looking for a home who wouldn't listen and would act like they hate everyone like every new kid does. I was shocked when I actually met her. She was nice and even though she was afraid of her powers she listened and really worked to get control of them. I grew to think of Ariana as a friend and then more than that. I loved her and we were so close to being together but we never got the timing right. Ariana was a great friend and a great mutant and I will never forget her." I took the rose that I had been holding and with a shaky hand, laid it on her coffin. Aurora walked over to me and whispered in my ear "We need to talk."

"Not today." I said knowing what she was going to say. Part of my goal with my speech was that Aurora would finally see I don't feel that way about her anymore. The funeral was over so I went inside and rolled down the hall to Ariana's old room. I slowly opened the door and found all her things still there. I got myself onto her bed and laid there and stared at the ceiling feeling her presence. I fell asleep laying there and when I woke up I heard the door opening. I looked at the door and saw Xavier.

"Sorry professor. I just had to feel her presence again."

"It's okay I understand. I was just worried you had run away."

"Nope still here." I said lowering myself back into my wheelchair.

"I know it's hard right now but things will get better Mr.Drake."

"Yeah. Maybe." I said leaving the room and heading to class.

***HEY GUYS! Sorry it has been so long since I updated. I'm going through a fierce bit of writers block and have no ideas or inspiration but I finally got this and so I hope you all love it! I love all the support you guys give me and I hope that you continue to read comment and vote!***

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