Chapter 9 - Bobby

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After Ariana turned me down I couldn't move. I walked back to my room and just stared at the ceiling for 3 days. I didn't eat, sleep, or even drink. I just laid there wishing I didn't feel so shitty. After those couple days I finally got up and drank a lot of water I started going to class again and avoiding Ariana as much as I could. Just seeing her in the hall made me want to go back to that comatose state.

A few weeks after I stopped talking to her I heard she passed out after practically crawling to Xavier's office. I assumed it was just an emotional thing but then the mansion was attacked. Magneto came with an army but he was still no match for us. We actually recruited a lot of new students from his army. After we won and Magneto left we thought Ariana would get better but she got worse. She fell into a coma and still hasn't woken up after two weeks. Storm has been running test after test trying to figure out what's wrong. I visit her everyday hoping she will wake up. if I'm not in class I'm sitting next to her bed.

Two months after Ariana fell into the coma on the day she woke up a new student came to the school. Her name was Aurora. I found her entrancing she was beautiful and she could fly so fast you couldn't even see her leave. No one else ever really saw her but something about her caught me and I couldn't stop thinking about her. Xavier had me show her around that day and I was glad to. I knew Xavier only did it because he wanted me to take a break from watching Ariana. After showing Aurora around I took her to her room so she could unpack.

"So where are you from?" I asked casually.

"Montreal, Canada."

"Oh did you go to school there?"


"Where did you go?"

"Madame DuPont's." She said her face looking angry.

"Oh was it nice?"

"No, and I don't want to talk about it." She said angrily.

"Oh sorry." I said trying to think of something to get off the topic. "What brought you to Xavier's school?"

"I ran away and Xavier found me with his little device thing."

"Oh Cerebro, that's how he found me too."

"Oh nice. What brought you here?"

"I got my powers and told my parents I wanted to go to boarding school so they thought that this was just a normal school but a while ago we had to go to their house and I told them about my powers and now they have shunned me."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's okay. How about your parents?"

"They died a long time ago. I never knew them."

"Oh that really sucks."

"At least I didn't get used to it and then lose them."

"Get used to what?"

"Having parents."

"Oh. Well I will leave you alone so you can finish unpacking. You will be in most of my classes so if you have any questions feel free to ask me."

"Okay thanks." I smiled and walked away. I was only half way down the hall when I heard Xaviers voice in my head telling me that Ariana was waking up. I jumped onto my ice slide and got there as fast as I could. I walked into the room and grabbed Ariana's hand, her eyes slowly opened and she looked at me.

"Bobby?" She said in a whisper.

"I'm here." I said smiling at her.

"I thought you hated me."

"I never hated you but things change."

"I'm glad." She said smiling as her eyes began to close again.

"Get some rest." I said kissing her forehead. I stood there for a little bit making sure she was asleep then I let go of her hand and went back upstairs.

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