Chapter 15 - Ariana

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I know my body has shut down but for some reason my mind is still awake. I can see and hear but I can't move. I can see that the heart monitor has flatlined next to me.

"Don't worry Ariana I did this." said Xavier in my mind.

"Why?" I asked

"To keep you and everyone you love safe. If Magneto thinks you are dead then he isn't a threat anymore."

"But I can't stay "dead" forever. I want to be with Bobby. I can see him crying and it is so horrifying."

"Mr.Drake will be told you are still alive but not until Magneto thinks you are dead."

"Magneto can sense my powers so he will know if I ever wake up."

"Hank McCoy, you know him as Beast, is working right now to make a medicine that will make it seem like your powers aren't there but you will still be able to use them Magento just won't be able to sense them anymore."

"Are you sure it will work?"

"We are going to have to try." his presence left and a white sheet was laid over my body. I heard Bobby yelling and trying to stop them from taking me. It made me want to cry but right now that was impossible. I just listened as his yelling grew softer and I couldn't hear him anymore.

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