Chapter 18 - Bobby

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"I'm going to take you out on a proper date." I said walking into Ariana's room the next day.

"We can't leave the mansion. How are we supposed to go on a date?"

"This is a very large mansion. We can figure it out." I said smiling at her. I helped her unpack her tiny bit of stuff that she had in the shelter. We finished and she grabbed my hand as I was about to leave and I turned around. She grabbed my face and kissed me and I felt pure happiness. Every time I kissed her it made me feel like I was home and I belonged with her. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and we fell onto her bed. She started to unzip the sweatshirt I was wearing but I stopped her.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"I want to wait until I'm married."

"Oh okay."

"Trust me I want to but I was raised to wait and thats what I want."

"Okay I understand. We can still make out though right?" I didn't even answer I just kissed her again and he laid there kissing until we heard a knock on the door. "Get under the bed." said Ariana pushing me off her and onto the floor. I heard the door open and Colossus talking saying he was looking for me. Ariana said to go look in the kitchen and then the door closed again. "That was close." She said helping me off the ground.

"I should go find out what Colossus wants. I'll be back in a little bit." I said before kissing her and leaving her room. I walked toward the kitchen and ran right into Colossus as I came around the corner. He is not a small dude so I fell right over and onto my ass.

"Woah sorry man. Didn't see you." He said helping me up.

"It's fine. So I heard you were looking for me."

"Yeah the Professor asked me to make sure that you two weren't doing anything stupid."

"Why didn't he just read our minds?"

"Yeah because he wants to read your thoughts while you could be having sex."

"Oh right. Well he doesn't have to worry we are waiting till marriage. Or at least I am."

"Good. I gotta go but don't do anything you're going to regret." He said walking away. I decided to go get food but I walked into the kitchen and found Aurora sitting at the counter eating a big bucket of icecream. I tried to get out before she saw me but it was too late.

"Hey." She said very quietly.

"Hi." I said going into the refrigerator.

"Do you hate me?" She asked before taking another bite of ice cream.

"No of course not. Do you hate me?"

"No, I wish I did but I don't. I know I was really clingy and I should have seen what you had with Ariana."

"You were a good girlfriend and I didn't even see what was going on with Ariana. I was the jerk who left you for a girl I thought was dead. I should have been better to you cause you are a good person and I'm sure that soon someone else will care about you as much as I care about Ariana."

"Thanks but most of the guys here aren't interested in me and the ones that are are way too young."

"Don't worry you will find someone. I have to go but I'll talk you later."

"Okay, bye." She said going back to eating her ice cream. I walked back to Ariana's room feeling really guilty for hurting Aurora. When I got back to her room she was sitting on her bed staring at the floor. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Magneto is here. I can sense it and he knows I'm alive." She said with pure fear on her face. I hopped on an ice slide and went straight to Xavier's office to tell him but he already knew and was gathering people to fight. He put me at the front of the group since I was well trained and one of the older people here. We got ready to fight and Ariana was put under a ton of protection. I wanted to be one of the people guarding her but Xavier said he needed me in the battle.

We watched Magneto fly over and hover in front of us.

"I know she's alive." he said his face completely calm.

*** Authors Note ***

HEY GUYS!! It's been forever and I'm really sorry about that so as a reward I am giving you two chapters IN ONE DAY! I know crazy right! I have been procrastinating a lot lately and I love all of you that read and comment on my books and I'm sorry that I have made you suffer like this. I hope to write more in this but I have been stuck at the end of this chapter for a very long time so we will see if my writers block ever lets up. I love you all and I hope you continue to read! I'm at over 1,000 reads and I couldn't be more thankful!!

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